Wow, I can't believe I just did this procedure to get a blog. I doubt anyone will ever look at it, ever. I feel like an idiot. Oh well! So... what should I say, in this momentous first entry? I should either be very self-conscious, and not say anything too personal, or pour my heart and guts out, in support of my theory that no one will ever look at it but me. Realistically, I guess I will end up doing something in between. Since the ostensible purpose of the blog is to fill my family and friends in on how I am doing with this pregnancy, I guess I can start by saying that it's Jan. 9 and it has been four days since I last threw up, which feels like a major winning streak. I am making an effort not to get too cocky about it, since the last time I got cocky and declared myself better, I threw up the very next day, which happened to be New Year's Day. I also threw up on Christmas morning. I hope everyone feels suitably sorry for me.
As I am writing I am sucking on something called a "Preggie Pop" that I discovered at a maternity store. I hate to give credence to anything with a cute, diminutive form of "pregnant" in its title ("preggie" should definitely be banned as an adjective), but it is helping me. The ants ate my last bag of preggie pops, so these ones are safely protected in a ziplock bag. I discovered ants in my underwear drawer a few days ago. I have decided to let them take over this apartment. To do anything else would just be too much effort.
The only flavor of preggie pop I can't eat is the ginger one. I ate so much ginger when I was first getting sick that now just the smell of it makes me want to barf.
As I am writing I am sucking on something called a "Preggie Pop" that I discovered at a maternity store. I hate to give credence to anything with a cute, diminutive form of "pregnant" in its title ("preggie" should definitely be banned as an adjective), but it is helping me. The ants ate my last bag of preggie pops, so these ones are safely protected in a ziplock bag. I discovered ants in my underwear drawer a few days ago. I have decided to let them take over this apartment. To do anything else would just be too much effort.
The only flavor of preggie pop I can't eat is the ginger one. I ate so much ginger when I was first getting sick that now just the smell of it makes me want to barf.
Are Preggie Pops (damn that juvenile yet catchy alliteration) good as snacks? Should I get me some, or perhaps eat your ginger ones? Sorry you continue to feel craptastic.
Preggie pops...some "California thing," right? :-)
I just tried looking at the tag to see where they were made, in the hopes of proving you wrong, but it just says "Made in the USA." Drats. No preggie pops in Michigan or Texas? Why not inquire at www.preggiepop.com? And, most important, how do you guys get those cute little pics of yourself on there next to your names?
OH MY GOD--there are queasy pops...IT IS A CALIFORNIA THING...
On the bottom right hand corner there is an California address. It is international...
Matt calls them suckers for pregnant women...
Hi Sar. Glad those queasy pops
are helping. Do you need some more?
P.S. I'm enjoying reading your
new blog!
Mom, I thought you hated blogs and found them boring? Are you genuinely interested in reading my thoughts, or are you just being polite? Your loving daughter,
omigod i love that your mom is matzo ball!!! yum. Hi Sarah's Mom! (I will have another play for you to come and see in about a month!)
and Sarah - congratulations, by the way, on the creation of the blog. :) Now you must fill in your profile when you get a chance...i mean, if you want...they are kinda fun to read.... ;)
You know, I hadn't even scrolled down all the way, and I saw "matzo ball" and that sweet, solicitous note, and I thought, "Ah-HA!" Me smart.
By the way, although I still think the name "Preggie Pops" is truly revolting, I did have a little chuckle at their tag line: "Conceived by health professionals!" Yuk yuk.
As for the cute little pictures, make sure you have a cute little picture on your computer that you want to use; then we'll talk. Before I taught high school, y'know, I wrote computer manuals for people who actually gave a damn.
(Sorry. Friday is bitterness fest.)
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