Saturday, August 15, 2009

"You made a fool out of me!"

I just wanted to record that Daisy is using this phrase a lot, without knowing what it means. It is pretty funny when she tells us this. "Dad, you made a fool out of me." She is also experimenting with the phrase "not quite enough." Mark asked her about her day at Armstrong Woods, and she said, "Strong Woods was cute, but not quite cute enough." I don't think she knows what that means.

Another funny one: she was playing with her fairy house the other day, working on a project "fixing" one of the windows, and I heard her muttering to herself, "First the thinking, then the doing." This one she understands, because I asked her what she just said and she replied, "First I think, then I do!" I love that one.

I know there are some other funny ones that I'm just not thinking of right now. Mark? Gommy? Got anything?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After a half-hour sitting in the car and refusing to attend a birthday party in the park, Daisy said, "Let's stop all this talking and whining and check out the playground". M.B.

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"First the thinking, then the doing" is a product, I think, of a long discussion we had about the book ART.
"Art uses his noodle to conjure up the perfect doodle." Daisy and I talked about this one sentence for about half an hour while she was sitting on the potty a week or two ago. M.B.

3:46 PM  

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