Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Daisy turned 16 months!

Yes, she did. Yesterday, to be exact. We had a lovely day at Rockaway Beach with our friends Marina and Lulu. This is a great spot, for anyone who hasn't discovered it. It's a really cozy and not too populated beach with nice sand (and exciting waves, yesterday) in Pacifica. We were lucky to have such a beautiful and sunny day in November. Daisy had a ball. I didn't realize she loved the ocean so much. We've got to go more often.

Daisy has a new sentence: "Knock on doors." Lately everything is plural. She calls me "Mamas." New favorite song: "Puff the Magic Dragon." The saddest song in the world WOULD be her favorite. Favorite food: PRUNE JUICE. I am not kidding. She shrieks for it. If we get out her special daisy glass, and she anticipates the "poon" (yes, I know, but let's purify our minds here for a second), she will scream, "Poon! Poon!" and not want to touch any of the other foods we offer her. So we have to reserve "poon" for the end. At first we thought it was that the "poon" was sweet and she doesn't usually get juice. But I gave her a sip of lemonade once and she hated it--too sweet, I think. So... she loves prunes. What can I say?

She is doing well, although she has a terrible diaper rash right now. I don't quite know what to do. We try to change her more often, make sure she's dry, and slather on tons of Desitin. It will start to look a little better, but then all it takes is one big poop and the redness is back. She has been crying in pain, with tears and all (she doesn't usually cry, so this is very hard to watch) when we change her.

She has been walking a bit more. I can't officially announce she is "walking," though, so I hope I can do that by the time she hits seventeen months! She does walk a little, unassisted, but... often she'll take a step or two then sink back to the crawling position. As the physical therapist pointed out, you can see how hard she's working... her little legs shake with the effort. I guess it's the low tone along with the super-flexibility-- it takes more strength for her to do the same things other babies do because of her flexibility, the therapist said... so I have been noticing the shaking in her legs and trying to understand how hard this is for her.

She has also been trying really hard to stand up from a sitting position without leaning on anything. It takes tremendous effort, and she can't quite do it. But she is trying.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, diaper rash. Daughter #1 had a leather butt. #Daughter 2 was quite sensitive. We used Desitin for a while, and then for some reason it stopped working. We went through quite a lot of things before we discovered Balmex. It goes on like cream cheese and works a treat. She asks for it by name.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Lee and Davo said...

Yup, the diaper rash. . .what worked for us on both boys when they had rash that would not heal was a super-industrial cream called Triple Paste. It's available at Walgreens or CVS and if they don't have it on the shelf just ask the pharmacist and they can have it sent over in a day or two. I'll email you a link with a pic so you know what to look for!

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, that stuff is good too!

8:53 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Thank you both! I will try these ideas, definitely. It is so awful to see her in pain, squirming on the changing table, and it LOOKS like it hurts so I can imagine how she's feeling.

9:12 PM  

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