Saturday, April 05, 2008

I think I might be weaning (finally)

I have wanted to for quite awhile--though with some feelings of sadness that I didn't expect to have. Anyway, every time I tried, it backfired. She seemed to want to continue so badly, and it was torture trying to stop it. I kept thinking in vain of all the people who said they weaned "organically," that it just seemed to taper off of its own accord... that was not happening to me.

Then, recently, I suddenly noticed that we hadn't been nursing so often anymore. In fact, I think it's been about a week that we've just been nursing once: in the morning, which is better than at night, I think. (She doesn't need it to go to sleep.) She still asks for it during the day sometimes, but is usually pretty easy to distract and get on another track. So: we will see. I don't want to count any chicks before they are weaned, but this seems to be headed in the right direction. If my luck continues, maybe I will have her weaned by the time she's two-- after having set my goal, originally, to wean her by one! Only a year late; tee hee.


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