Guess we can't listen to that one anymore
Daisy is really starting to pay attention to the lyrics of songs, so we now have some problems with old favorites. Case in point: "Oh my Darling Clementine," which contains the lyrics "you are lost and gone forever" and talks about a little girl falling into the "foamy brine" of the sea. It came on one of her CDs this morning and here was our little chat.
Daisy: Mama, is Clementine lost? Did she go under the water?
Me: Uhhh, yes, she gets lost and goes underwater, but her dad finds her and saves her. (Total lie.)
[Long pause.]
Daisy: What's forever?
Daisy: Mama, is Clementine lost? Did she go under the water?
Me: Uhhh, yes, she gets lost and goes underwater, but her dad finds her and saves her. (Total lie.)
[Long pause.]
Daisy: What's forever?
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