Sunday, May 31, 2009

Daisy won't go to sleep

Daisy had a LOT of fun at Lulu's third birthday party today (thank you, Lulu!). She got very wired and has had a hard time falling asleep. She's in there now, yelling from her bed, "I want to go back to Lulu's party! I want to sleep at Lulu's party!"

Another little incident from today: Mark told her she couldn't be "louder and louder" while in the house, but had to wait till she got outside. She actually started to cry, which is the saddest thing in the world to behold; her puffy lower lip juts out, and her eyes well with tears, and then (in this case) she throws herself on the floor. She has also not been napping well lately, so mainly she was over-tired, but she honestly acted like it was a tragedy to be told she couldn't be loud. Later when she felt better and we asked her to talk about her feelings, she said, "I cried because I wanted to be louder and louder--like a man!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THAT is laugh-out-loud hilarious! M.B.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Mita said...

LIttle girl needs a louder-and-louder room of her own!

11:08 AM  

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