Monday, October 02, 2006

I was wrong

Infant poop does smell, after all. A little. Or, if it didn't before, it has begun to. If anyone feels like laughing at me, go right ahead :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right...well, as far as I know...infant poop doesn't smell right away. It's cute and smell-less. I think it is to get the parents used to changing diapers, thinking to themselves, "Oh! How cute! A first poopie!" Then, when you're used to the routine, the smelly poops come...

It has something to do with the developing little body, etc.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no! it's fascinating to learn these things. We appreciate your honesty, Sarah. I would never know that newborns fart loudly but non-smelly without you! And that their initial poops are the same way... :)

1:49 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Heh heh. Yep: I really don't think her poop had a smell at first. Now there is some smell, but it's not nearly as bad as toddler diapers I've smelled.

Anyway, nothing about her is all that gross to me. I pick her nose, for Pete's sake.

Glad I could be the source of such fascinating information!! You must be so grateful to me...and to think I was worried about running out of scintillating topics of conversation and proving my continuing intellectual wrothiness....

5:04 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Oops, I meant WOrthiness, of course.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby had the most enormous boogers I have ever seen on a baby.

Aren't baby farts surprising? Gad, you'd think all their intestines are exploding out! --then nothing.

6:46 PM  

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