Getting her jabs
Dazelbaum got her 2-month vaccines today. The trauma was not relieved even by the wonderful new British expression I've learned for vaccination ("getting her jabs"). It was terrible. First, she threw up. The culprit was the rotavirus vaccine, a brand new vaccine that is orally administered. Dazilla barfed voluminously, all over Mark, who was holding her, and the nurse. We were sent, rather shamefaced, into an exam room to change her and calm her down before the next attempt.
When we returned, she had to get the rotavirus dose again, along with a sickly grape dose of infant Tylenol meant to ward off some of the pain of the upcoming shots. She then got three shots--two in one chubby brown thigh, one in the other--containing five vaccines. She began to scream and wail, seemingly in great pain, her little face bright red. I have never seen her cry that way, so it was traumatic for me, too, and I will admit that I cried as well, not helping the situation. (In my defense, I quietly wept; I did not fly into disruptive hysterics.)
All in all, a rather terrible day. But the good news was that her doctor thought she was looking healthy, from the physical. She weighed 11 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 23 inches (almost two feet!). She was in the 75th percentile for height and weight, and between the 50th and 75th for head circumference (I'm not sure of the significance of that last one).
Wednesday is her official 2-month birthday.
When we returned, she had to get the rotavirus dose again, along with a sickly grape dose of infant Tylenol meant to ward off some of the pain of the upcoming shots. She then got three shots--two in one chubby brown thigh, one in the other--containing five vaccines. She began to scream and wail, seemingly in great pain, her little face bright red. I have never seen her cry that way, so it was traumatic for me, too, and I will admit that I cried as well, not helping the situation. (In my defense, I quietly wept; I did not fly into disruptive hysterics.)
All in all, a rather terrible day. But the good news was that her doctor thought she was looking healthy, from the physical. She weighed 11 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 23 inches (almost two feet!). She was in the 75th percentile for height and weight, and between the 50th and 75th for head circumference (I'm not sure of the significance of that last one).
Wednesday is her official 2-month birthday.
I'm very glad that I'm past that stage when we get to have shots for our birthdays.
Happy 2-months! :o)
Daze and I thank you heartily!
Aha! Monster baby!
We must have pictures.
Oral meds are The Suck at this age. Jab 'em and they forget about it after a while; but puking--your clothes may not be so forgiving.
Your nurse, hopefully, apologized all over herself.
Heh. Yes-- the oral vaccine WAS worse, Mark thought; he thought the puking was even more heartbreaking than the weeping and screaming. What a choice! Sigh.
I'll try to find a good recent pic to post!
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