I love the idea of this blog! That woman has some courage, too. I don't have stretch marks for some reason (???) but I did get this weird vertical line down my abdomen-- my doctor says it should go away but it could take a year. Anyway, I saw the comment that this blog is not just for women with stretch marks in some limiting way, but for every woman who has gone through pregnancy and experienced transforming changes-- which everyone does, whether it's stretch marks or not.
Little perfect angel! Oh, now I want to give her kisses all over her face!
You know, now I think she looks like MB as well as you, Sarah...
Very cute shot with the wide-open eyes! Looking much more alert and aware of the world...
She is so adorable. Very alert. I wish I could come and hold her!
Thank you!! (Blush.) I *knew* I was being perfectly objective!
My mom calls her The Sumo because her face is getting so big and full.
HI Momwow! I am so glad you found my blog.
Ooooh, Katherine, M.B. is going to love that....
Hey, dear one, I thought you might enjoy this blog.
Esp. this pic from it: http://flickr.com/photos/sarahwww/63594029/in/pool-shapeofamother/
(I got all teary-eyed when I first saw it.)
Oh, that is beautiful, Marguerite! Thank you so much for sending the blog info. I just looked at the pic and am now checking out more of the blog!
I love the idea of this blog! That woman has some courage, too. I don't have stretch marks for some reason (???) but I did get this weird vertical line down my abdomen-- my doctor says it should go away but it could take a year. Anyway, I saw the comment that this blog is not just for women with stretch marks in some limiting way, but for every woman who has gone through pregnancy and experienced transforming changes-- which everyone does, whether it's stretch marks or not.
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