Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ever so tired

Daisy, at 4 weeks of age, has decided sleep is for suckers.

Any ideas??

She was taking long naps right up until a few days ago. Now... ohhhh no. I took her for a long walk in the stroller this morning, and every time I peeped under the sun shade to see if she was sleeping, there were those dark eyes peering up at me and that incessant (cute but horrifying) tongue gesture that means, "I can't wait to be nursing again, draining all that remains of the life of you, Mama!"

I love her but, oh God am I tired. When she is awake (which is now, apparently, forever) she either wants to be nursing or being held and rocked or jiggled. Could this be one of those growth spurts? But isn't it too early for that?


Oh, but here's a cute picture of the little vampire, back in the sleeping days. I call it "Scrunchface":
(Okay, blogspot isn't letting me post it. I'll try again later!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I think she does love being held in your arms! (remember, when I visited she was snug in your arms nearly the entire time, except for when we went for the walk). She knows when she has a good thing going!

Look forward to seeing the pic of ol' Scrunchface soon...

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the only idea I have is, "Hang in there." Daisy's too young to be out of the "sleep whenever she wants to" phase. When she's a little older, though ... having naptime at the same time every day (around 1-2pm) worked wonders for us for years.

5:32 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

i can't believe blogspot has stopped posting my pics! i really wanted to post scrunchface. haven't given up but no time to troubleshoot at moment.

heh-- darnit, matt! i was hoping for a magical solution :-)

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you guys have a battery operated swing? For the first couple months, Elijah would only fall asleep if we put him in one of those. Then after he fell asleep, I would very gently transfer him to the crib.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can your spouse bring you the baby while you're in bed to nurse?

6:17 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Albert, we do have a swing! She seems to like it, though she hasn't slept in it longer than about 45 minutes.

Marguerite, I have actually been nursing in bed... not the most recommended course, I know, but it has been a relief not to have to get out of bed to nurse her. I do need to teach her to sleep in her bassinet soon, though, because it's definitely harder for me to be comfortable sleeping when she's right next to me. I can't quite figure out what to do-- every choice has its disadvantages. The best thing would be if she nursed less often, and slept longer...then it would be clearly better to put her in the bassinet.

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen those awesome mini bassinets?

11:47 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Marguerite, these are fabulous!! I want one, now. What a brilliant invention.

1:10 PM  

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