Sunday, September 02, 2007

Motor skills, language

Daisy is thirteen months old. At almost exactly the time of her one-year birthday, she had a bit of a motor skills explosion. She finally crawled (a day or two after her 12-month birthday!), and from there she started pulling up on all sorts of things, cruising, and crawling up stairs. Now she can stand unassisted for a few seconds at a time (not very long), and she's working on sitting down carefully from a standing position. So, after a long lull in the motor skills department, she is doing a lot more stuff now--though I definitely think she'll be a late walker.

She has really amazed us in the language area, though. I would guess there are 40-50 words she tries to say (with varying success) and she understands more. She's been saying words for a long time but she's finally starting to get the end consonants-- so instead of "buh" she says "book" now. She says "milk" and "door," "bird," "hand," "socks," "baba" for her bottle, "mama" and "dada," "up," "down," "box," "bag," "boat," "bus," "dog" (oh yes, and "vroom" for cars and "woof" when she sees a dog), and lots more. Showing that she understands more than she can say, she points out all sorts of things when we ask her-- a picture of an octopus, a baby, a moon; people's noses, eyes, and mouth; and many other things. She will still only point to her own ears--not anyone else's. Her pronunciation is not all that clear but we understand her (for example, when she wants someone to sing the "happy birthday" song--which comes up in a few of her books--she repeats, insistently, "Ha! Ha!" until you sing it.)

Anyway, it's an interesting time. The baby is starting to seem like a little girl. She's also been showing more feistiness and defiance. Meal times are a big struggle. Staring straight into my eyes, knowing full well what she is doing, she ejects all the food from her mouth by sticking her tongue way out. She's also been standing up in her crib and flinging out all the toys and books I put in there in the hopes that she'll play by herself a bit. She says, "Na! Na!" to show a negative attitude toward something.

Well, that's all for now.


Blogger Haddayr said...

Éiden used to (what am I saying "used to?" he still does it, sometimes) look me straight in the eye, hold out a spoonful/forkful/fistful of food parallel to the floor, and then drop it: careful to keep his eyes glued to my face to gauge my reaction.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie has discovered how to spit, and does so at every opportunity. He is also a very late talker, but he's solid on the words "no" and "stop."

8:44 AM  

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