For those of you who are parents: when did your child go from two naps a day to one (at what age)?
Aside: my mom has trained Daisy to tap her temple contemplatively every time she flips open one of her board books to a picture of the statue The Thinker. It is pretty funny.
Aside: my mom has trained Daisy to tap her temple contemplatively every time she flips open one of her board books to a picture of the statue The Thinker. It is pretty funny.
Dear Lord. I can't remember. I'll ask Jan and come back.
I do have to say this: we switched them when they started really really fighting that second nap.
Fruitpie went to one nap aboutthe time she turned two.
She is a very busy little girl and her personality is binary. She's either adorable (weak from the cute!) or an utter turdball.
Sometimes she eats her head off. Sometimes she eats next to nothing. We just let her go at her own thing--we figure her body knows best. She's a slow gainer too.
Ahhhh, at age two... that is definitely later than I was thinking. I've been wondering if Daisy has been indicating she just needs one nap, around noon, and is moving toward dropping the morning one. But, Haddayr, what you wrote interests me because it sounds like your kids dropped the *second* nap... whereas I was thinking the morning one would get dropped and we'd just have the afternoon one. Hmmm. I know this sounds psychotic, but napping is so important in having a non-cranky child! (And having a child who isn't cranky is so important to sanity.)
Hmm. G2 is almost two and during the week at school, he has one nap a day from 12:30-2:30 (ish. Anywhere from 45 mins to 2.5 hours). But on the weekends we get two naps out of him--midmorning, and then about 3:00 or so.
So, I really don't know. . .there's no magic one-nap switch. Our older son dropped all naps altogether when he turned 4, which I thought was way too soon to do so, because a friend I work with has a 6 year old who still naps every day. I thought the no naps at 4 years old was just a phase. If it is, this "phase" has lasted two years, because he still doesn't nap. Go figure.
Dave did not nap as a rule. He would sleep late sometimes but when he woke he was up for the day. Except when he was teething or sick...I was tired alot. I suppose all that extra time awake influenced the "charm" he has today.
When I read "two naps", I was very confused. I didn't know that children had two naps. For a long time we had to bend over backwards to get Britin to do _one_ nap. This summer, because our trip was so exhausting, we got two naps out of Britin maybe twice. I thought that was extremely weird. Now I wonder if all this time we were supposed to be desiring more nappage out of him! :-) Melissa
Thanks, all, for your input! And, Melissa, I am sure you are doing everything right-- I can't remember Britin's exact age, but he is probably at the age for just one nap. When Daisy was little, she did THREE naps a day, which I think is the norm. Then, the late afternoon one disppeared-- also the norm. Now, she had a morning one and an afternoon one, and from everything I've read, the morning one starts to disappear somewhere between one and two years old. Then, there is usually just one long nap in the afternoon. But I was curious what other folk's experience was, because she just seems a bit young to be losing the morning nap, to me... I don't know. The sleep thing has me totally tied up in knots of confusion.
I'm down to one nap a day, myself.
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