Da Mamas
She is infatuated with Mark's KISS book. She identifies Ace and Gene (pronounced "GEEN" with a hard "g") fairly reliably. She likes to give hugs to the KISS members' images, apparently not put off at all by the horrific faces they're making. She points to a skull in one of the pictures and says, "Baby!" She points to their flashy stage lights and says, "Sun!" She will sit and read this book for hours, hugging it and pointing to the various characters. It is very funny. She does call them "Tubbies" from time to time; yes, she has seen the Teletubbies, I will admit it, I will admit it. There is some vague connection between KISS and the Tubbies going on in her brain.
This girl is waking up at midnight (one night ago) or 1:30 (last night) and absolutely refusing to go back to sleep-- despite the fact that we have the most beautiful bedtime ritual in the world. She often asks for "bed," she gives us goodnight hugs, she seems totally content to be placed down in her crib, awake, holding her monkey. She goes to sleep and sleeps for five hours. And then she wakes up and the horrors begin.
So-- I could talk about that, I suppose. But there is not much to say. I am definitely suffering health-wise (all day today I had a pounding stress headache, for example, and I feel dizzy, and somewhat sick to my stomach-- all of which I'm pretty sure is sleep deprivation, not an actual illness).
But I guess I'd rather focus on "Humpies," and the adorable little sentences she's stringing together, and how she can say all of the "Ring around the Rosy" nursery rhyme with only a few words left out here and there.