Monday, March 24, 2008


Just now I noticed Daisy was turning red and pooping, so I asked her if she was pooping. She said, "Bye bye poop." I assumed this meant she was pooping, so I asked her again: "Are you pooping?"

She said (and I quote, verbatim--this lasted about five minutes): "Bye bye, poop. Bye bye, Jack and Jill. Bye bye, Crooked Man. Bye bye, picked a peck. Bye bye, chairs. Bye bye, couch. Bye bye, drum. Bye bye, crocodiles. Bye bye, Mama. Bye bye, saucer. Bye bye, fox. Bye bye, children. Bye bye, Olivia." (Etc., etc., etc.]

Then she paused and said, "More poop."

Also to report:

--Today she said, "Put boots on." So I put this cute pair of boots on her and she said, "It's a kind of shoes."

--We went to Sutro Heights Park with our friends Robyn and Eli, and Daisy lay in the gazebo yelling, "I love gazebos! I love gazebos!" She has the most precise pronunciation, too. She says "Squirrel nutkin" with the greatest precision, for instance. It is really cute to hear. (She's reading it to herself right now: "Once a time, Squirrel Nutkin open the door.")

Oh, dear. I really want to record some of these things and I feel like they are getting away from me. So soon they'll be all over. She has such a variety of sentences now that it mostly feels useless to try to record them, but I should probably at least try to remember some of the idiosyncratic and amusing pronunciations and phrasings: like the way she says, "Hold it the mamas" when she wants me to hold her. She's funny, though: if she pronounces something improperly, she tries to correct herself, even if no one's correcting her. So, for example, she started saying "banya" for banana, and thinking it was cute (and ignoring the advice I've read about language development), I picked it up and started using it as a word, asking her, "Do you want some banya?" But today she said, "I want some banya." Then she paused, thought about it, and said very carefully, "Banana." She knew "banya" was wrong and wanted to correct herself, even though I wasn't prompting her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must be noted that last week, while Daisy and I were laughing at "Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers", Daisy made up her own "rhyme". It went like this:"BAGEL, BAGEL, BAGEL, BUNT!!!" With great emphasis on the BUNT! We laughed our heads off. M.B.

12:11 AM  

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