Sunday, November 22, 2009

Snippets of Daisy stories

Snippets overheard from Daisy, who is flipping through a booklet and making up stories. Warning: they really don't make any sense. Daisy does this trippy free association when she flips through blank books (or sometimes, instructional booklets). Well, here is the transcript. I recorded exactly what she said--grammar errors and all. EDIT: Okay, I think I understand now where some of this craziness was coming from. The booklet she was looking through had pictures of cakes and balloons, and she was mixing in lines from a few of her new books (the references to "be gone" and some other things...).

“Be gone,” said the cake. Then, a jiggling mouse bounced in. “Be gone!” No one noticed till a knock, knock, knock on the door. Then, Cousin James walked into the room. Actually, the door said, “No!” Well, you had to not pop balloons at your doors. Don’t pop balloons-—no. And that’s why the cake had a friend.

“You made a big mess on the floor. I have to clean it up with the broom. I’ll be right back. I’m going to get the broom and sweep up the big mess.” Just before the coach came by, riding by with the king and queen. Now it’s time for the poached egg story, Mommy.”

[Here is the story Daisy told me was called "Poached Eggs"]

One day, the cake was waiting for the king just before the leaves fell down. I fall in winter time. He tried to put the leaf right next to the ground. The coach was finally there with the king sitting on locks and windows and doors, sitting all alone. And the king was just about to open the door when a thousand hundred things happened. Just before the magic started. And the magic started just before the race called out and said, “Majesty! Come back!” The daylight had been gone. It is just the right thing. The popped balloons… One day there was a cake that waited for some poached eggs to serve. Not so long ago, her name was Sheek. Though Sheekawilla made lovely, toasty vanilla-chocolate ice cream cones, it would be a surprise for him. But next day, the wind was just blowing the door, the cupboards open and shut, open and shut. So he shutted the door and just sat down for a minute. Not so fast, not so far. It landed right up in the sky. Just before it went up, just a little bit, not so much, not so far. (Whispering) It goes really far. Just before the race, the crackers… but a curious thing just happened. (Whispering so I can’t hear) They just floated up….

This is called Up and Down

Dino was so excited. The big party would start, but the big "trammay" (it means a "coach") wasn't going through the door. It stays outside and then it's going to leave. First it was up. Then it was down. Then it just stayed there, just not the magic potion. Not so far, not so deep. It is so high. So it just moved. A leaf just fell down and they tried to put it down, but no. So, the Big Trammay just stayed down from the door, and then it left. Then they made poached egg soup, and all the different kinds of kids came over to celebrate his birthday. The popping balloons just floated up, not so far. Then it landed down with a plop, just before the race started. All right, ninas! [Yes, the Spanish word, pronounced correctly.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! These stories are amalgams of so many things. Last night we read the book UP, in which a boy lifts things off the ground, not very high, with the force of his mind. Next time I hear Daisy "reading", I think I'll record her words, they're a riot! Hearing her stories is certainly one of life's pleasures!!! M.B. (Proud Gommy)

9:27 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Ahh, I see! She was very big on things going off the ground, only "not so high, not so far." There is probably an explanation for every single thing she said. Sometimes I think she is some kind of wacky genius, the way she blends together so many different texts! And tries to make it fit with the images she was seeing (hence, the cake and the balloons). She certainly has a mind of her own.
You could try recording her, but I warn you-- I was typing, and I could still barely keep up with her!

9:54 PM  

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