Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween pictures

The swan getting ready for an evening of Halloween festivities

Rocker Dada and Swan Baby

Witch Mama and Swan Baby

There are never any pictures of me, since I'm the one taking them, so I put in another one for good measure. The other day Daisy said to me, "Mama, how come you weren't there?" (We were looking at pictures of some event.) I explained that I WAS there, behind the camera, but it made me sad. She's going to have photo albums full of pictures without Mama in them and it seems like I wasn't there. So... here are a few of me, to make up for the previous absence.

Our neighbor Robyn had the great idea of having trick or treating in our apartment building; she gave out pumpkin stickers and those who wanted to participate stuck them on their doors. Lots of people had them up, so there were a lot of doors to knock on (among six floors).

The witch and the swan trick or treating in our apartment building!

More trick or treating in our apartment building

Our wonderful neighbors: Robyn, Eli, Vincent, Fia

On our way out for more trick or treating and the "Haunting" House (as Daze called it last year)

Headed to the Halloween parade and Haunted House in Sausalito

Catching up with the Halloween parade

Swan police on patrol

Halloween friends--we found Chilali and Eden at the parade in Sausalito


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