Monday, March 12, 2012

After the MELT show on Friday...

At something like two in the morning on Friday (Saturday), after Mark's MELT show at Grant and Green, Mark and I were crossing the street to get to our car and had to jump out of the way of a car that suddenly came at us, headlights off. I suppose you could call it a near-death encounter.

Random man observing from sidewalk and most likely drunk (gallantly): You are too beautiful to die!

Me: Thank you. That was probably the nicest thing anyone has said to me this week.

Random man: Modesty is huge.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

"Gommy was owned"

Where is my daughter picking up these expressions?? Actually, she said, "Gommy was own," but she meant "owned." At Pick-up Sticks.

Daisy also tried out the expression "I nailed you" when playing a game with me earlier, but she also got that wrong and said, upon defeating me, "You nailed me."

Luckily, she still has some adorable expressions... such as, "My bad habits are fading away," said to me earlier in reference to nose-picking, or the reduction thereof.

Just one more cute thing and then I'll stop. Daisy's kindergarten class is going to perform that Turtles song that goes "I can't see me loving nobody but you for all my life" at the Kittredge talent show. Daisy told me that the class is going to sing the first few lines in staggered fashion: two of them will say one word, then the next two will say the next word, and so on. Daisy told me proudly, "I am 'can't'!" And in the next line, apparently, she is "you're."