Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What I know about my daughter so far

Shy like her mother (covers her face modestly with one hand while being probed at by the ultrasound)

Wiggles and kicks and squirms (may have restless leg syndrome like her mother)

Very photogenic (according to my doctor, who would never say something like that just to please me and certainly doesn’t tell ALL the mothers the very same thing :-)

Good spinal cord, clearly visible on the screen (despite Mom's critical, intrusive suggestions that she won't HAVE a spinal cord due to my failure to swallow prenatal vitamins--an instant recipe for throwing up)

Long legs—seems to be gearing up to be a long-distance runner
Small butt
Disproportionately large head
Ten fingers, ten toes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow, I find this particular entry unspeakably touching. Sarah, I love thinking about your relationship with your future daughter. It is has come closer than anything else in my life to making me want a child.

6:18 PM  
Blogger specules said...

Disproportionately large head? I mean, aren't all developing babies big-headed? What, is your girl's head a watermelon or something? Either way, I love giant heads so it should all work out fine.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking as the most conspicuous beneficiary of Deb's fondness for large heads, allow me to share in the excitement over the imminent addition to our circle of massive crania. ;)

6:53 PM  
Blogger lumenatrix said...

Big head means plenty of room for lots of brains, that way she can be smart like her parents. :)


7:57 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Hee hee hee. Thank you to all the big head advocates... I think Deb is right that all babies have disproportionately large heads at this point. On the other hand, I fully expect her to have a large head because mine is kind of large and Mark's is king of *long*. More disturbingly, her face looks funny on the ultrasound--kind of like she's got one eye on either side of her head. I kept saying to the ultrasound specialist, "Are her eyes eventually going to migrate closer together??" I am assuming this is all par for the course because the specialist kept assuring me she looks perfectly normal (whatever that means for a child being born into this family!)

8:50 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Thank you so much, Linda! I love you.

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your beautiful, bigheaded baby girl! An extra big head is a necessary qualification for being an actor (and more photogenic). A small head is what alcoholics give their children. Kids should have big heads until about age 4, that's why you keep them away from water buckets - they are top heavy.

I won't be able to give you many baby clothes via hand-me-downs but I can unleash my repressed baby girl shopping skills!

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, back when I was a fetus I was supposed to be a boy (named Adam). This was because I kicked like a football player in the womb. Of course, being the days before ultrasounds they only discovered that I was a girl when I was born! Fortunately I don't think they were too disappointed (and I like my name better than Adam). Your feisty big-headed girl will probably continue to kick lots when breastfeeding (as I did according to my mom). Big-headed People Unite! (hairdressers always comment on how big my head is, I guess they thought the hair was just puffy?).

10:08 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Wow, we ALL think we have big heads...doesn't this indicate our heads might be average-sized?
I love that your parents thought you were a boy, Katherine...I thought my baby was a boy, too, because I was suffering so much (which, I realize, is a pretty sexist and offensive assumption). Well, it's nice when the Biology Gods thwart our social expectations about gender and teach us all a big, fat lesson.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Oh no... I have brewer's yeast to look forward to. What is this supposed to do for the baby? Prevent her from spontaneously sprouting a third eye, which will surely happen if I don't consume this loathesome liquid?

11:12 AM  
Blogger Mita said...

small butt? long-distance runner? Auntie Mita must have some food-eating, slackassedy influence on this little one ...

P.S. she sounds amazing!!!!

12:23 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Well, she's in very good shape now--not much fat has accumulated on her bones--but Mark has identified her position in the ultrasound photos as a "TV-watching, Barcalounger" position so under his gentle tutelage, I am sure she will begin to deteriorate from her current lean, sinewy condition.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Hi Rachelle! Yes, by all means, expend your girl-clothes-buying energies on me (Machiavellian chuckle of glee)... though perhaps little "XX" Meritt could wear some boy clothes, too? There is nothing more attractive to me than a girl in overalls.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Bigheadedness is attractive to me--Matt has the biggest head of anyone that I know, literally. :-) Mark does have a longish head; remember the butt faces/penis faces discussion we had, dividing up the whole human race? I guess there could be a large head/small head debate. However, might it also be large head/small head compared to one's own body? Disapportionate headedness could be different than appropriate headedness. And what is the not being in water bucket until age 4? Head first?

Now I need to surrender the computer to my big-headed boy husband.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Yet another advocate of big heads--Melissa! Well, again I say: all these people must really have *average* sized heads. (How can they ALL be huge heads?) hee hee.

9:12 PM  
Blogger Meghan said...

So when do you get to meet Madame Mondocrania in person? I don't remember hearing about a due date.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Hee hee. Madame Mondocrania :-)
Her due date is July 21. I am hoping she's either early or late so I can go to my friend's wedding on July 23!

7:38 PM  

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