Friday, April 25, 2008

One last thing

I have to add this. I have been kind of blown away lately by how much Daisy understands what I'm saying to her and how... real and grown-up our conversations are. In that last month or so, I have noticed that if I don't understand what she's saying and I ask for clarification, she provides more information or tries to say the same thing a different way till I get it. And I almost always do. A couple examples: a week ago or so, she kept saying something that sounded like "Happig! Happig!" I told her I didn't understand. She clarified, "Old MacDonald happig." From that I got that she wanted me to sing "Old Mac Donald had a pig."

I realize it might seem like a coincidence, but it happens all the time now; I ask her to explain, and she expands on the thought, adding more words, or using different ones. Yesterday she pointed at our watering can and named it ("watering can"). I was surprised she knew that expression and I mumbled, to myself more than to her, "I wonder how she knows that, 'watering can'!" She then said, "Peter Rabbit jumped in the watering can." That was how she knew the expression, of course-- from her Peter Rabbit book. She is totally amazing to me. Or maybe we just underestimate these wee people!


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