Sunday, July 27, 2008


I don't think I ever created a post for Daisy's second birthday, which occurred a few days ago, on July 20. I'm sure I can't do justice to her now, but I will report a conversation I had with her this morning that at least will give an idea of her current obsession: ORCHESTRAS.

Daisy: The clarinet is in the woodwind section. [said with total clarity--wow]
Me: And what other instruments are in the woodwind section?
Daisy: The bugle is in the woodwind section.
Me: I think the bugle is in the brass section. What about the harp? [Daisy's current favorite instrument]
Daisy: The conductor plays the harp.

As you can see, she's working on it. Her grasp of the orchestra is not complete, but she's getting there. She demands to watch classical music every day now and she gets excited beyond belief whenever the music swells. She yells, "It's getting louder!" and flings her arms around in the air as though she's conducting.

On a less charming note, her behavior has gotten more difficult in the last few days. It's odd-- it's like she's on this exact timetable and when she turned two, something clicked into place and said, "Time to start being difficult." I hope I have the strength to help her through this rough spot!


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