Monday, July 21, 2008

Daisy's two-year checkup

Daisy had her two-year checkup today, and she was very, very good at the doctor's office, despite the fact that her nap lasted a mere half an hour in the car on the way there. She did not cry and was very patient as the doctor took her heartbeat, listened to her ears, felt her belly, etc. That can't be easy for a two-year-old. I was proud :-)

She now weighs 25 pounds and is 34 and 3/4 inches and tall! Yes, people, that's right: Daisy's height percentile has gone way up and she is now in the 76th percentile. You heard me right. Her weight percentile was up, too, to 31st, and head circumference was almost 93%. Biiiig head.

On other developments, our informational sheet said our child should know at least 20 words and be able to say two-word phrases. I felt like we must look show-offy when we said Daisy knows hundreds of words and can speak in sentences. Then, we can never get her to demonstrate anything very impressive to the doctor, although she did say "chrysanthemum" and "escalator" with crystal clear pronunciation and our doctor was impressed by that.

We fessed up to Daisy still taking a bottle, and I left feeling that the arguments against this are not totally and entirely convincing to me. I mean, I understand that if she's sucking on a bottle she could damage her teeth and palate; but she drinks from a bottle for maybe twenty minutes total every day. She does not use a pacifier or suck her thumb, which seem more potentially damaging. And, we learned, she certainly is not getting more dairy than the acceptable amount (up to 24 oz., our doctor said). So it seems like a lot of the anti-bottle stuff is about how unfashionable it would look if she went to preschool with a bottle. I do hope to have her off it before then, of course. (And, for what it's worth, she DOES drink from a cup, too-- she just wants milk from a bottle and drinks her water from a cup or a sippy cup.)

It was a good checkup and it looks like (knock on wood) the girl is doing fine. Oh yes, and our doctor looked at her teeth and thought they looked good, despite the fact that she still drinks from a bottle. But she also gave us a list of pediatric dentists in case we want to get her more thoroughly checked.

She didn't even need a shot!


Blogger Mita said...

I said it before and I'll say it again--I used my bottle out of comfort til I was 5 (in addition to regular cups) and I never needed braces.

Yaye on Daisy's checkup!!! Did she have a good birthday?

10:06 PM  

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