Thursday, September 04, 2008


1. My daughter says, "That's Mio Babbino Caro!" when that aria comes on, and can identify other classical pieces, such as "Morning," when she hears them, and

2. She just said, "He's coming out of his chrysalis!" (to a picture of a caterpillar who was, indeed, transforming into a butterfly--that might not be a perfect use of the term "chrysalis" but I am still pretty impressed).

Okay, now that that show-offy mom moment is out of the way... here are two cute things that hopefully will not be even more annoying:

1. Daisy says, "That's my Sarah," and looks at me with so much love in her eyes sometimes, and

2. This evening at dinner she said, twice: "Dada is a brother and Mama is a little girl."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, if you asked me randomly and out of context what a chrysalis was, don't think I'd come up with the correct answer! So I am very impressed.

1:32 PM  

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