Friday, December 26, 2008


We had a very good Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at my parents' house in Healdsburg, and unbelievably, I forgot my camera--so there will be no digital photos on the blog, although I photographed some of Gommy and Gompy's amazingly generous gifts when I got home and posted them on the blog (in the previous entry). My parents ran out and got a disposable camera, so I guess there will be some old-fashioned pictures (hahaha) soon enough. There was lots of present-opening, eating, and dancing, at Daisy's command. Everyone had to dance around the kitchen to REM, Daisy's latest favorite band.

Then on Christmas day we drove back from Healdsburg and went to Mark's mom's house, where we had Christmas with Nana and Auntie Samantha. There were a lot of wonderful presents there, too, and more delicious eating, and more dancing. Daisy wants to have dancing every day now. This round of dancing was to Christmas music and a CD that came with a book from Mark's brother Tim, Marsupial Sue.

Daisy definitely understood Christmas more than last year... but she didn't entirely get it, I would say. She is not obsessed with presents yet, although she loved all the new things she got and has been playing with them constantly. In fact tonight we couldn't get her to come to dinner because she was playing at her fairy house (she was "fixing the bottom of the window" with the toy knife from Gommy Susan, because "it was breaky"). She got sleep-deprived because the traveling had greatly reduced her naps; she slept for half an hour one day, on the drive to Healdsburg, and one hour the next day, on the drive back (and she has been napping for 2-3 hours normally, so that was quite a bit less sleep). She also woke up at 5 AM on Christmas day and didn't go back to sleep, so by the time the evening of Christmas day rolled around, she was very, very tired. I think maybe eating all the rich food and more sugar than usual contributed (her dear, loving Gommy gave her a candy cane, an entire gingerbread family, a chocolate Santa lollipop, and a piece of chocolate roll). But despite being tired, she was cheerful almost the whole time. And now she seems to be getting more sleep, and relaxing and enjoying her new books and toys and having both her parents around all the time (since we're both on Christmas break).

It was a great holiday and I feel very grateful to both of our families for all their generosity and for making this whole experience so much fun.


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