"I'm correcting it!"
Lately Daisy has a special expression for when she's reading one of her favorite books but changing the plotline: "I'm correcting this book!" She says this fairly frequently now when she creatively changes what happens in a book. I have been very interested in watching the whole process evolve. First she'll decide she loves a book and ask to have it read to her over and over and over again; my mom is the one who pointed out that the reason she does this is that she's committing the book to memory. Then, once she has the book memorized, she reads it to herself over and over again (in particular, lately, she has wanted to do this while sitting on the potty-- she will sit there for AGES, just like a grownup, reading her book. But, luckily for me, she also often reads in her crib by herself in the morning). Then, once she's read the book many times, she starts "correcting" the plotline. Sometimes it's just wacky changes, whatever pops into her mind, but often she's weaving the characters or events from a different book into the one she's looking at. So, for example, the other day she said to me, "I'm correcting The Mole Sisters to Bake a Cake!" (That meant she was importing parts of Mr. Putter and Tabby Bake a Cake to The Mole Sisters.) Anyway, the whole evolution of these things has been very interesting for me to observe. I had no idea two-year-olds were so complex!
WOW!!! M.B. (Proud Reading Gommy)
While I'm completely unqualified to comment on the subject, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most two-year-olds are not that complex, and Daisy is gifted. I certainly wasn't saying stuff like that at her age, and I consider myself of above-average intelligence. Well. I did. Till I got pregnant. Anyway, the point is Daisy's really creative.
You make me smile, specules :-) Yep-- I know for sure my own memory capacities have diminished greatly since pregnancy. I think the vocab's hurting, too. Thank you for the kind words for Daisy; it is so hard to tell what is "normal" or par for the course when you've only had one. She reminds me a lot of myself and in some scary ways (not all good). The intensity about reading and books definitely is like me. Hopefully she steers clear of all my pitfalls and just takes what's good... ha, that's likely.
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