Friday, July 02, 2010

She cracks me up

Today Daisy told me that she loved the word "sewer." She loves the SOUND of that word, independent of its meaning. She also loves the word "Liverpool" and the word "pantry." She does not love the word "water." All I can say is... she really reminds me of myself. When I was a kid I had words I loved and didn't love based purely on the sound, too.

She also told me she knows how to talk backwards and said several words backwards ("olleh" and "yliL").

Here are some choice Daisy quotes from today:

1) In response to my saying I will do squeaky character voices but only at home: "Let's say, for the sake of example, that we DID make voices in public."

2) In response to me blowing up some balloons for her: "Finally I got lucky!"

3)"I love these balloons. They are so delicate and smooth."

She also came up to me apropos of nothing and said, "I love you, Mommy." I never get tired of that.

Oh my God... Daisy is accompanying Mark on the kazoo while he sings the theme song of "Cailou" and it sounds great! That is just unbelievable. She has the tune down, the rhythm and everything. I will have to record that and Youtube it.


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