Sunday, April 24, 2011

Some Daisy Tidbits

I am too tired to shape this into an actual post with a narrative, so without further ado... here are some Daisy quotes from the last few days:

1) “Whoa! My elbows are really pointy!”
2) “How old do you have to be to lift a car?”

3) A recent dialogue with Daisy:

Daisy: If I eat healthy foods, I will never pass away.
Me: It’s true that if you eat healthy foods, you may live longer.
Daisy: Noooo; if you eat healthy foods, you will live _forever_.
Me: Uhhhh….

4)Last but not least, Daisy has been saying her princess and the pea doll has "the diabetes." Today she lectured her doll severely about "the diabetes," saying she could never eat anything sweet again and that she would have to eat "macaroni" instead of candy on Easter. She told the doll she could never get better and that this was a particularly severe form of diabetes called "scarlet diabetes." (I am sure she is getting this from her memorable bout with scarlet fever, which she always makes sure to tell people about).

Daisy has a game with the doll in which she hits the doll in the face with a plastic stick. Explanation: “I’m giving her medicine. She has diabetes. She catched it from Nana, Gommy, and our cat Kerouac. I’m making sure her bones are soft and have lots of energy.”

Friday, April 22, 2011

Daisy-ism of the Day

Apropos of nothing and stated most emphatically: "I really don't like the number 8 being even. I really wish it were odd."

Monday, April 04, 2011

More Daisy dancing

At the Starry Plough, Berkeley, 4/3/11--the Gold Diggers


Daisy dancing to the GoldDiggers at the Starry Plough

I am very lucky

I don't always know it or act like it, but I am. I have the most wonderful daughter in the world. She cheers me up from the worst of moods, or just from the "blah" state I someimes find myself in. Mondays are always somewhat tough mornings, since we're back to school after the weekend and getting ourselves together, plus there's a lot of stuff to remember to bring to school on Monday mornings (Daisy's nap sack and her share day item, plus lunch, water, sunhat, sunscreen), but Daisy made me so happy this morning. As we were walking toward the school, she spotted her friend Gigi across the street, waved happily, and said to me, "Gigi and I are lucky because we both have great moms." Then, when I was saying goodbye to her at school, she said out of the blue, "Mom, I hope you have a really fun day."

I don't even know how to tell you how delightful she is.