Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Baby kicks

For some time now, I have been plagued by the concern that this baby is not kicking me hard enough. I must affectionately blame other mothers who told me that when their babies kicked them, the kicking at some point became so strident that it actually hurt. And they used extravagant verbs and adjectives, like "pounded" and "pummeled" and "whaled on me" and "feisty" and "ferocious" and "vigorous." Although I was given a little modest glee when a nurse told me the baby was "feisty" once, I would not say I have felt the need to use any of those words for this baby yet (and I am 35 weeks along). That's not to say she's not hurting me--her foot is wedged in a pain-stricken place in my left ribs and it feels like someone is prodding a wound. But I can't honestly say I have felt pain from a kick yet. Is there something wrong with her, or am I just a much more cautious and conservative diction-selector??


Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Heh. Okay! That makes total sense to me. There is pain where parts of her body are pushing against me. I just have not had the sensation of being kicked so hard that that in itself hurt me deeply. Maybe I am just misunderstanding what the mothers meant?

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never had actual pain. Discomfort, yes. Very much so. The pain I had was from agonizing heartburn and 2 in the morning, and that wierd hot spot on the abdomen.

The elder daughter once kicked a plate off my belly, and the younger one apparently thought it would be fun to try to push mommy's bladder through her pelvis.

5:20 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Wow! I have not been kicked that hard. But the bladder pain sounds familiar. And I feel like parts of her body are grinding themselves into parts of me that are already sore, so THAT hurts.

The heartburn keeps getting worse and worse, no matter what I eat.

3:00 PM  

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