Friday, October 20, 2006

Fussiness Riddle Unraveled

I guess it was unbelievably naive to think somehow at 3 months, the magical age, all of my problems would be solved. Today, officially, Daisy arrived at the magical age, and I have never seen her so fussy. She is like a different baby. I am convinced she is teething. She is: a)drooling much more than before, b) biting on her hand constantly, c)cranky for no discernible reason, which she's never been before, d)wanting to nurse but then seeming in pain when she does, so turning away. My book says that teething symptoms can start around now, even if no tooth appears for another couple months. So this should be a fun few months.

At least I solved the puzzle. Either she is teething, or I am being punished for my outrageous hubris in bragging to people about what a non-fussy baby I have. Or, both.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, she's teething. Expect diarrhea, too. Get her those nice nubbly teething things, or the liquid-filled ones that you put in the refrigerator. Both, preferably. Does she have a pacifier?

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, teething. But don't worry. It's not like they're cranky every single minute of those few months, though they may be crankier than usual.

5:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when they hit their early teens, you get to pay for braces.


2:15 PM  
Blogger Mita said...

Are you SURE she doesn't just miss me? ;-)

3:50 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

She does have a pacifier (which she loves) and I have a teething ring, so I have to see if I can interest her in it. Poor girl. She seems really uncomfortable, though it's true, not all the time. But maybe she will be lucky in the teeth department, overall; do you know, I never had braces, or a retainer, or anything, including a cavity? Hope she inherits my teeth genes.

And she DOES miss her Auntie Mita, definitely.

11:16 PM  

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