Monday, February 18, 2008

I eat a lakes!

Daisy has a rather disgusting habit of licking at her bath water like a dog. I want to stop her, but when she looks up at me with a look of devilish glee and crows, "I eat a lakes!!", I usually lose my resolve to reprimand her and start laughing.

One of our other favorite comments of hers now is one she does whenever she squats down, eating something--could be anything, anywhere--and says, "I sit a picnic!" She said it today while squatting in the hallway eating Goldfish crackers.

She has so many funny sentences but those are the ones that come to mind right now. Unfortunately, she has gotten very into "No" and "Not" already, which I thought were more the province of the terrible twos. One cute use of it, though: she has started disliking any part of a book in which someone cries, so when I'm reading to her and I tell her some character is crying, she immediately says, "No. Not."--and flips the page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find the connections and grammatical constructs of toddlers fascinating. All the more so because they make sense.

Fruitpie (who no longer does this so much, alas) had some kind construction perfect for colons: "I like it: the balloon." or "I eat it: the orange."

I'm sure there are linguistical terms for how our babies create.

5:00 AM  

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