Thursday, March 26, 2009

Some of my favorite Daisy lines from trip

Daisy (placing full cup of water on my knee): Is this a good idea?

Convo from the car ride to Santa Barbara:
Daisy: This touches me.
Me: The music, or the magazine? (She likes to read catalogs, and was reading one.)
Daisy: The magazine. I'm very, very sad because the magazine is touching me.

Daisy has some constructions lately that we find funny--such as "I don't love this" to mean "I hate this." Today, for some reason, she told me, "Mom, I don't love firetrucks and airplanes." I don't know why. I always thought she loved firetrucks, at least. She also calls the carwash the "car shower" and begs us to take her through it.

Another amusing moment (though maybe you had to be there) was last night in the hotel room. Daisy kept rolling out of her travel bed and we heard this loud THWACK as some part of her hit the closet door. I turned on the light to make sure everything was okay, and there was Daisy--wedged in the corner, her entire body except her feet off the travel bed, and she says immediately, in a brusque tone: "Could you turn off the light, please?"

A final Daisy note--something I know I won't want to forget. Daisy has fallen in love with reading booklets, mainly the little inserts that come with CDs. Her favorite one is her "Peter Tchaikovsky booklet" (which she calls, exactly by this name, with totally clear pronunciation) from her Nutcracker CD. Daisy reads her Tchaikovsky booklet over and over and OVER again and begs us to read it to her. It has been read so many times that it has fallen apart and been taped back together numerous times and the pages are literally disintegrating. Even when we're not reading this booklet, like when we've convinced her to let us read another book, she still sits and flips the pages of the booklet WHILE we're reading the other book to her. In fact, she is in her crib right now sleeping with the Tchaikovsky booklet.


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