Monday, December 28, 2009

Way behind on photos

Here are some from a wonderful evening we had with our friends John, Rachel, and Ellie, who live in Union City. They made a delicious stew and Hobbit Cakes (Rachel invention) for us and then we went out in the cold and did a quick tour of a neighborhood of Victorian houses that do an amazing job of Christmas decorating every year. After that we did the Niles Canyon train of lights--something we've wanted to do with Daisy ever since she's been old enough to appreciate it. John and Rachel made us all thermoses of hot chocolate and brought snacks for the train. What kind friends! Daisy especially loved the open-air car of the train. She never got tired of sitting out in the cold watching the world rush by. (Oh, almost forgot: Santa and Mrs. Claus also came by and gave out candy canes at the end of the train trip, and Mrs. Claus commented disapprovingly on my Bah Humbug Christmas hat, which I had forgotten I was wearing.)


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