Monday, May 03, 2010

I am a tireless mama

Whatever else it may say on my epitaph when I am gone, it will not say, "She did not try hard." :) I have been running around madly for the last three days giving Daisy all kinds of experiences. On Friday I took Daisy to school and afterward, I met her with her lunch and took her to Park Play on the yellow bus from school (our first time). On Saturday I took her to ballet, lunch, a birthday party for her classmate (the adorable Jordan), and then a barbecue for our friends' anniversary. On Sunday I took her to the Discovery Museum, where Mark met us, and then for some reason we drove to Fairfax, walked around town, ate ice cream, played at a playground, and waded around in a creek (where, randomly, a little boy named Zeus threw a rock at me, so completely blindsiding me that it nearly knocked the wind out of me. His mother, seeing what happened, smirked right in my face. Nice, eh?). Daisy was brave about wading in the river over rocks, some of which were sharp and gave me pain, so it was good to see her taking on the physical risk.

Today I took Daisy to school, ran home and packed a picnic lunch, and then took her after school for a picnic with Gigi and Alex, friends from her class. It was very fun. We hit tennis balls around on a court that we had all to ourselves, and then the kids played their version of Duck, Duck, Goose, which involved all three of them jumping up every time and chasing each other all over the tennis court. Then they played at the adjoining playground for awhile before we went home. Daisy was so exhausted that she has actually been in bed since 7.

But other than my attempt to garner your sympathy with my descriptions of what a tireless mama I am, the really big news from the last few days is that Daisy has been growing in leaps and bounds in terms of her physical development--gross motor skills, that is. This is where she is significantly delayed, according to the OT. He said she was roughly at the gross motor level of a child 2 years, 10 months when she was 3 years, 6 months. She had still not climbed a real ladder, although she climbs up very short rope ladders and those kind of sloping, domed things with footholds. But at the Discovery Museum on Sunday, she climbed far up a real ladder, AND, more impressively, climbed DOWN: now that I think about it, that's the part that had never happened before. She has climbed very short ladders and then taken a slide down. With this contraption at the Discovery Museum, there was no way down except climbing back down the same ladder you went up.

Also, later that day she climbed a sort of rock-climbing wall thing at the playground in Fairfax. I am convinced at this point that she is strong enough and coordinated enough to do these things but is afraid of heights; when she gets too far off the ground, she expresses fear and comes back down. What made me happiest is that she was joyful about both tasks, repeating them over and over again with great enjoyment. I know I need to push her from time to time, but I really prefer to see her taking pleasure in whatever the physical activity is.

She's been doing better with taking her own clothes off and on, too. So... little by little.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As expected, Daisy is catching up in areas where she lagged a bit.


9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After we left the concert on Saturday, that German woman sang "Mac the Knife" (in German). Then she used it as an encore at the real concerts that followed.


11:44 PM  

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