Thursday, April 20, 2006


Today I got my blood test results back and found out I have anemia (which is apparently pretty common during pregnancy). I have to eat prunes. Mmmmmm. I am also supposed to take an iron supplement and eat leafy spinach, raisins, and red meat, but I don't really like to eat much red meat, which I think is kind of sad, since wouldn't some people love to be given this direction by their doctor? Eat lots of steaks and hamburgers? I think Mark would be enjoying this anemia more than I am.

Maybe this explains why I have been feeling kind of weak and lethargic lately, and not being as effective as I need to be in organizing this move. The movers come tomorrow!

I am also in pain in my ribs and in my back, I presume from all the new weight that my muscles are unaccustomed to. The muscles on either side of my ribcage, above my big belly, hurt me terribly every night. Poor me!

And poor Kerouac. He is at the new apartment now. He climbed out of the cat carrier and ran from room to room, meowing loudly. Then he went into a closet and refused to come out. I don't think he's eaten or used the litter box all day. We will go over and visit him tonight and deliver his nemesis, Claude, to him. Maybe they will actually find each other comforting?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy prune eating! Did you know that they have been renamed "dried plums"? The best brand I've tried is Mariani (available at Costco and other places). Here's a link to their site showing the packaging:
Yeah, I don't eat much red meat either, but you can take the opportunity to eat the stuff you *do* like!
And a warm spinach salad with bacon and egg sounds like the ticket here... mmm!
Poor Kerouac, hopefully he's sussed out the place ("figured out" in British terms) and is feeling a bit more confident. Perhaps he will feel a bit more "at home" once his nemesis Claude appears (at least they can keep each other company with glares!).
Hang in there Sarah, some of the aches might be from weird packing positions too... hopefully you'll feel better within a few days and more ALERT thanks to all those prunes/dried plums and red meat!

9:27 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Did they give you iron pills? I had anemia and they gave me these mega iron pills, but never told me about prunes! Good luck to Wacky...:-(

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try French prunes--nice and dry in jars, not sticky in bags. I got some at Whole Foods once... my God, I still have a couple in the back of the fridge, look at that. They're called St. Dalfour. I give a wrinkly "bottoms up" in your honor, dear.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Thanks, guys! I will check out the prune recommendations, Katherine and Meghan--you actually made them sound pretty good! And, yes, I am on iron pills.

Blugh...this move was killing. I am in all sorts of pain. I think I may have to create a self-pitying post about it!

1:00 PM  

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