Friday, March 31, 2006

A first!

Today Mark felt the baby moving when he put his hand on my stomach. That's the first time this has happened! The movements have gotten bigger (it's the end of week 24 today).


Blogger Melissa said...

Oh, that's the best part! We had these monitors that you put on the stomach so you could here the movements--it sounded like sloshing around and gassiness--and it also had a microphrone you could attach to the stomach so you could talk to the baby. I would spend hours listening to the baby with the contraption!

8:05 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

I know, can you believe it? I still marvel at it every day! It took me about four months to believe I was pregnant. Really.

And Melissa, I envy your contraption. We don't have anything like that. Maybe I'll ask the doctor about it at my next appointment!

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa -- in three kids I never felt any of them move when I put my hand to K's belly. I SAW it -- our kids kicked like mules -- but every time I'd put my hand there, they all quieted down. I imagined the baby going, "Quick! Hide!" And then sniggering to itself.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

I know what you mean--for the last few weeks I've been trying to have Mark put his hand on my stomach to feel the movements, and they stop as soon as he puts his hand there. You definitely can't control or predict them; there will be a little bout of kicks, then they stop. BUT, it definitely happened the other day. She was doing a lot of moving, and I told Mark to put his hand on my stomach and that we should just keep casually chatting (I felt the way you did--that if the baby knew we were trying to catch her moving, she'd stop). So we were chatting away, and suddenly she kicked, and Mark stopped speaking and said, "Was that it?" He said it the moment I felt it from within. So I knew he'd really felt it. And then the same thing happened again, a few minutes later! It was exciting. I don't think she's big enough for the movements to be visible yet, though (I'm in week 25... so, still second trimester). All these milestones are exciting.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO exciting.

The one moment I will warn you about -- but you can't actually prepare for it -- is the moment when the three of you are alone in the house for the first time: you, Mark, and the baby. It's the moment you've been awaiting, the culmination of nine anxious months. And you look at your child and think:

"NOW what do I do???" :)

2:44 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

I've been thinking about that moment, actually! And how the fear will set in, and I think, "Why in the world have they left me alone with this helpless person? Don't they realize I am utterly incompetent?" If worrying about something constitutes preparation, then I must be extremely prepared. (But I suspect my premise is faulty.)

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't really prepare, but the on-the-job training is extremely effective. :)

8:55 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

In all the annoying TLC "baby story" documentaries I have watched, they always say two things when the parents leave and they are finally alone with the baby: 1)they are glad the parents are gone, but 2)they are now extremely terrified. So it seems like I should be prepared to feel that way, at least!!

10:39 AM  

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