I am my own child
In the first days of what has turned out to be an enduring, disturbing addiction to blogs, I had to give parental consent to myself to have a live journal account. My life must be uneventful, because it seemed like a very strange and fascinating experience to me. I filled out the application to have a live journal account, because having an account was supposed to help me read more of my friend’s blog. When I finished, I got a message back saying that although I had filled out a valid birthdate and indicated I was over 13, my application was considered suspect because my computer had previously been used to create illegal accounts for minors! I have no idea how this is possible—-it’s got to be a mistake-- but the message said I could simply continue the application with the consent of my parent. That seemed easy, so I filled out another form giving my child (me) permission to have a live journal account. I had to list another email address for the parent, so I listed my other email address. I filled everything out, and then I got a message (at the Parent Me’s email address) saying my Child Me’s application had been approved. It said that my child, Sarah, was now well on her way and would be getting an email at HER address that would help her get started at live journal; but it suggested that I keep a close eye on her live journal activities. I certainly will! (She can get a little NAWty and SAUCy from time to time...).
OMG, I have to reply to myself to say, there are at least 18,000 things I could have posted on today... when you are as preoccupied by trivia as I am, the bloggable material seems virtually never-ending!
What are some of the 18,000 things? Inquiring minds want to know... :-)
...I will post on some of the 18,000 things tomorrow or the next day! It's embarrassing how many trivial things I have to say. Believe me, you'll be hearing about them soon, if you check this blog!
Yeah, I'll bet it's only 17,990...
any clever child, including our own Sarah, could get past these parental Internet "safeguards"! Just need a second free email address... good to see you last night BTW!
Yes, I steered right past the safeguards with the greatest of ease. I was embarrassed to admit this, because it'll sound like I got scammed, but they also made me give them a credit card number as some kind of security measure--but they have not put a single charge on my credit card. Other than that, the process of becoming my own parent was effortless. I didn't know whether to feel empowered or infantilized.
Wanna make a bet, Billiam? Ooooh... you don't want to bet me. You just inspired my next post....
Now we can be friends and be on each other's friends list and all that fun stuff. :) (Notice I still register this comment with the blogger account I created just so I could easily read my blogger friends' diaries? ;) )
Bring it oooonnnn.....
(In mostly-unrelated news, you and Mark need to watch the current season of _South Park_. After one of their episodes slamming Scientology was suppressed by Comedy Central and Isaac Hayes quit the show over same, they delivered one of their most searing attacks to date last night. "The Return of Chef" should be rerun this weekend if one of Comedy Central's network executives hasn't had massive heart failure after viewing it...)
Oh yes--I read on your toastpoints list, Bill, about Isaac Hayes. They have done such "offensive" things on that show that it's always hard for me to conceive of what the network deems suppress-worthy...so I'm quite curious about these episodes of which you speak.
Dear Beth,
Weeeee! Excellent. Now does that mean you changed your blog's location? I'll go click on your name now and find out.
Beth, I should warn you, I have no idea what it means to "friend" someone or be on their "friends" list... you would have to show me. I know I seem to be blogging up a storm, but all I know about is typing something and then posting it. Beyond that, the fancier features of Blogworld elude me. So be sure to tell me how to be on your "friends list" if I don't figure it out myself!
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