Saturday, March 11, 2006

Another List

a) I am already becoming an obnoxiously partial parent. Whatever she is doing, no matter what it is, I find myself thinking, "Wow, that must be, like, the best way any baby has done it, ever. It must be unprecedented in the annals of fetus-dom." If she's moving a lot, I think, "Cool, she is feisty. I'll bet other people's babies aren't so feisty." Or, if she's sitting totally still, I think, "She is going to be a thinker, with a long attention span and deep reflections, like me. I'll bet other people's babies aren't so deep." I don't understand why the doctors who've given me sonograms haven't thrown their hands in the air, gasping with awe, and summoned every other doctor into the room, exclaiming, "You guys really need to see this!"

b) I took two gender prediction quizzes online and they both said I'd be having a girl. One was the Chinese Gender Chart, which simply declared "Girl," and the other was a series of questions based on different gender prediction myths. It had questions like, "Do you crave oranges? Are you having headaches? Do you pick up a mug by the handle or by its body? Do you refuse to eat the heel of a bread or prefer it?" (I could go on--the questions were really insane). Anyway, this utterly bizarre test gave me 83% odds I was having a girl. Why am I taking gender prediction test when I already know it's a girl? I do not know.

c) Das Unheimliche: This is a marzipan baby!! It totally blows my mind. I wonder if anyone actually eats him, on a cake or something... I do not think I could. He is a baby; yet he is almond paste. Try to understand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The faux-cannibalism thing seems to be a nascent trend, believe it or not. Check out:

5:38 AM  
Blogger Jozee said...

Um, actually those babies are made from polymer clay. The artist got a lot of promo from that myth.

They're available for sale in limited quantities.

Good luck with your pregnancy !

Rest assured people aren't eating these tiny babies.

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almond paste babies? Ugh.
Who invented almond paste?
It tastes awful. I could
never eat an almond paste
baby or, for that matter,
a clay baby, although eating
dirt is not unknown in some
of the more distant parts of
the nation.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

No way! I was fooled by an internet scam?? :-)
Well, polymer clay sounds tastier to me than marzipan, which I actually detest the taste of.
(Jozee, I am not sure I know who you are and am now very curious, so I'm going to click on your name and see if it sends me to your blog!)

7:59 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Okay, that didn't help, I still can't figure out where we might know each other from. But I love _Running with Scissors_ too, and the sequel. I just read a great memoir called _The Glass Castle_ and am reading another terrific one called _The Liars' Club_.

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're going to eat a baby, don't settle for marzipan. Go with the real thing (from my lovely and esteemed's LJ).

9:22 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Oh god that's cute. I don't think the baby looks upset at all about his predicament, either. What's the baby's name?

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be Katie's baby, Charlie.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Wow, really? I guess it's just one of those tastes, like cilantro--either you like it or you don't (I haaaaaate cilantro...a lot more than almond paste, actually).

5:23 PM  

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