All right, what is going on here?
You're a Scorpion!
You really enjoy weapons and like keeping as many of them at hand
as possible, just in case. Most of these weapons are sharp, and you have a small
collection of armor as well. You just can't be too careful these days. Maybe it's
that you've always been small and feel threatened and this has prompted your
elaborate collection to bloom. It's not too surprising that you've become a bit of
a loner, even a hermit, with those tendencies. Or that your favorite actor is The
Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
I couldn't bear it, so I took the quiz again and answered one question differently that I wasn't sure about, anyway, and I was THIS:
You're a Boa Constrictor!
You're that person who is always offering massages to people and you
spend a lot of time training yourself to get better at giving them. Sometimes,
however, you make people just a little nervous with how close you're getting to
their neck. But you can usually knead them right back into a false sense of
security, er, I mean into feeling comfortable. Your mouth seems to be capable of
opening wider than anyone else's. You've sometimes wondered what it would be like
to be made out of feathers.
Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
I don't mean to be mean to any animals but these animal identities are just not okay with me. And my favorite actor is NOT "the Rock." Sheesh.
I'm a Rabbit. The picture of the rabbit they give has a funny pancake hat, though. I don't know what that means. My description:
Sure-footed and exceptional at hearing, you have a great number of
physical talents. While you do love carrots, you have an aversion to lettuce that no one seems to really believe. Looney Tunes have been your favorite cartoons for as long as you can remember. Though you'd never admit it, you've always wondered
what it would feel like to be thrown into a briar patch. You really like, er,
procreating, even more than most people.
Awwww! A cute little sweet little randy rabbit! That is SO MUCH BETTER than being a scorpion or a boa constrictor. And we are supposed to be birthday twins! "The rabbit and the scorpion"--gee, I wonder which one's the evil twin??
I feel a little better, because Mark is an aphid.
Ok, so I'm an oyster. My favorite part of the quiz results/description of me:
"People associate you with really good crackers."
I wish I were a scorpion as it is my zodiac sign and I like to be known for having nasty traits because it throws people off. The grass is greener on the other side, is it not?
Instead, I am a Starfish:
"You're a Starfish!
To others, your presence seems to denote greatness, or at the very least something celestial. You're enthralled by the heavens above and seem to always be looking to them for guidance. Once you decide to stick to something, it's very difficult to get you away from it. You really don't seem to mind other people, even strangers, touching you. We can't all be you; someone has to applaud."
Geez. Wow. That sounds altogether extremely positive. I must go merge this with my sense of self now.
wow. um. huh.
You're a Hyena!
You have quite a sense of humor, though many others find it derisive rather than appealing. You are perceived as being a coward, but actually have moments of great bravery and have even stood up to those much larger than yourself. You like hanging out in groups and are always making a lot of noise. Disney thinks you are an idiot.
I was starting to think all the answers were insulting, universally, and then I read Deb's result. Starfish sounds pretty good (maybe except for the strangers touching you). Well, hyena is "brave," and rabbit is "physically talented"....I'm not sure about aphid or oyster. At least oyster is tasty! (Though sometimes it gives you food poisoning.)
What would it be like to be thrown into a briar patch?
No matter how much you complained, I'd KNOW you'd secretly be loving it... so watch your step, Rabbit!
I'm a hawk.
With an absolutely stunning sense of sight, you're able to put everything into perspective. At vision tests, you're able to read the copyright line on the poster with the big E at the top. You've been known to read signs from three counties away. You get the idea. You're very good at selling wares. You consistently root for terrible sports teams.
By the way, you (and Mark) can view my last several Xanga posts - if you're not seeing anything, then sign in first, then you should be ok.
Hawk is good! I think that's the best one yet. You should be very pleased, Albert!
I do consistently root for terrible sports teams...but what does that have to do with being a hawk?!
Yeah, I don't really get that one, either... is there a terrible sports team CALLED "The Hawks"??
Crap. I'm a dove. How manly is that? ;)
You're a Dove!
A fan of olives and the United Nations, you'd love to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. You like stretching your legs at major events, and have done your best to ward off floods when the waters have risen. All this running around leaves you exhausted, and it often seems you can never quite get the peace you so dearly crave. You really like to take showers.
(Well, the shower thing is true...)
I love this one! Dove is definitely the best one yet. Trumps hawk and starfish, in my book. True, it's not so manly, but it's a beautiful thing. I'd love to swap with you... drawn to the horrid scorpion or boa constrictor? (Wow, I would just KILL your dove, wouldn't I?)
Blech. Couldn't I be an aphid instead...?
"You're a Mosquito!
Few other people have anything nice to say about you, but you feel you're getting a bad rap. It's not your fault that you do bad things to them... it's society's fault! Or nature! Someone other than you must be to blame for your blood-sucking ways. Besides, it's not like you're killing people! You just hurt them a little bit when necessary. And sometimes hurt them a lot, indirectly. Yes, despite your small size, it seems you end up doing a lot of damage. You love stagnant water."
Hee hee hee heee!!! Oh dear... I didn't think "aphid" could be made to look like a desirable result, but "mosquito" has done it, Michael! Maybe this could be some sort of theme for the wedding-- the dove and the mosquito... it's beautiful.
I've got to say I like both the monkey and the pig. They are both very lovable and endearing, and smart!
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