"Smushed?" update
I’m sorry to have to make fun of my own mother…well, not that sorry. But she has been forewarned, and she really does have it coming. She has been giving me something of a hard time about what I eat and expose myself to as a pregnant woman, which is fine, though I’m sure she will admit she can be a bit of a “nudge” (nooj? Not sure how to render that Yiddish word in English).
But she really topped herself a few days ago when she left me a message in which she read aloud from a novel called The Barbarians Are Coming. It was a passage about a medical student who discovers that cadavers that have been placed on their stomachs become undesirable specimens because of the way the fluids pool in the organs and “engorge.” She read on and on, into my answering machine, about corpses with engorged organs; I had no idea, for the longest time, what the H*LL she was talking about. Actually, I thought she had finally completely lost her mind. Then, at the end of the reading, Mother Dearest said: "Sar, this passage [from a novel, about face-down cadavers] proves that you should not be lying on your stomach." (Not that I wasn’t already worried about that, as anyone knows who read “Smushed?”). I said, "Mom, you do realize that I'm going to have to write a blog post about this insanity. I'm sorry, but you leave me no choice."
I love you, Mom (aka M.B., the Matzo Ball)
P.S. Mom, feel free to correct any elements of this anecdote that I may have gotten wrong, especially as I have not actually read this novel that is so chock full of sage advice for the pregnant :-)
But she really topped herself a few days ago when she left me a message in which she read aloud from a novel called The Barbarians Are Coming. It was a passage about a medical student who discovers that cadavers that have been placed on their stomachs become undesirable specimens because of the way the fluids pool in the organs and “engorge.” She read on and on, into my answering machine, about corpses with engorged organs; I had no idea, for the longest time, what the H*LL she was talking about. Actually, I thought she had finally completely lost her mind. Then, at the end of the reading, Mother Dearest said: "Sar, this passage [from a novel, about face-down cadavers] proves that you should not be lying on your stomach." (Not that I wasn’t already worried about that, as anyone knows who read “Smushed?”). I said, "Mom, you do realize that I'm going to have to write a blog post about this insanity. I'm sorry, but you leave me no choice."
I love you, Mom (aka M.B., the Matzo Ball)
P.S. Mom, feel free to correct any elements of this anecdote that I may have gotten wrong, especially as I have not actually read this novel that is so chock full of sage advice for the pregnant :-)
{in Homer Simpson voice} Mmmm....cadavers! Cadbury cadavers!
Well, it's definitely a good thing your mother didn't have access to the recent graverobbing story circulating on MSNBC...
For shame, Sarah - you are no longer a desirable cadaver! ;-)
hee hee hee... yes, I suppose if I were a CADAVER, it would be a vey bad idea to be lying on my stomach... with my heart not pumping and all, my fluids would certainly pool and ENGORGE.
Not that I am lying on my stomach, anyway.
Nitpicky Blowhard sez: "I wonder if this passage is actually from a novel or whether it is in fact from this new non-fiction work on cadavers that everyone is going nuts about lately."
Wow...I have no idea! Mom claims it is from a novel called _The Barbarians Are Coming_, but I know nothing about this novel, so...er...uh.. I dunno. All I'm sure of is that it's not from a book about *pregnancy*, where one might assume Mom would go for such information.
O.K. Sar. You got me this time. Yes, darling, you got the story exactly right. In my own defense I can only say that I got over-excited and since I am poised to give you advice at any given moment I went off half-cocked. In my crazed advice-giving haze I could only see the similarities between your situation and that of the cadaver in the novel. Perhaps, in my own defense, I might add that the cadaver was presented to dental students and produced an immediate image in my mind of a photograph I have of my grandfather (the dental student) with a cadaver and my fevered brain went out of control. In short, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
It's okay with me if it happens again, Mom!! It was funny :-)
hmmm. Maybe you should read that book aloud to your womb at night. Forget about classical music. :)
Hee hee--that's a great idea, AMD. My pregnancy book says she is hearing sounds from the outside world now and will soon be recognizing voices, and so what we play and read to her can have some effect... maybe a nice book about cadavers is just what she needs.
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