Thursday, June 15, 2006

I knew it!

The baby seems to be musical, like her dad. I visited a playgroup today, with our friend Will and his son Gus, and during the music-and-singing-circle, she started jumping up and down, wiggling and kicking and (I imagine) doing a little jig in the womb. She sat still again whenever the music stopped, and then started up her jigs when the music came back. So, I am convinced: she's musical.

In other news: OW. OWWWWWW. The newest form of pain is a most acute burning sensation on my skin, right along the ribs that have been bothering me. There is absolutely no sign of it on the surface of my skin--no redness or anything--but it feels like it is burning up. I think maybe the muscles are so inflamed that it's starting to hurt all the way through.

I can't wait to see my doctor tomorrow. I hope she kills me. Maybe I can inspire a homicidal rage in her?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh -- hang in there. You're on the home stretch with this. And it's worth it, really.

4:00 AM  
Blogger specules said...

Gorsh, sorry about the pain. Man, maybe I'll adopt. A dog.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Oh dear, I hope I'm not scaring anyone off having children! Deb, I'm sure I'll be ranting and raving about how great the whole thing is in a few months, and you'll be throwing up at how sappy and sentimental I am, and how quickly I've forgotten the mortal agony I was in.

Plus...being kicked from within by tiny feet is kind of trippy, in a good way.

On the other hand, if you really want to adopt a dog, I think it's a fabulous idea. I love dogs.

4:25 PM  
Blogger Meghan said...

You are the only person in the world who I trust not to laugh at me for this question, so I am asking you: Have you thought much about how the cats are going to adapt when the baby is born? I think about this. I carry Maisy around on my shoulder quite a bit, and the competition for space would be fierce. (Feisty as well.)

8:52 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Oh, I am far from laughing! Mark and I talk about it all the time. We adore our cats and they definitely get a lot of our attention right now. We are concerned about how they're going to feel with the baby around. Unfortunately, it's hard to do anything more than just talk about how worried we don't leap to mind, since we have no idea what it's going to be like having a newborn, other than complete faith in the judgment of all the people who have assured us she will suck up almost ALL our time. Sooo...we say, "We're going to try really hard to give the cats attention, still." But it's hard to be more specific than that. And unfortunately, we already know we'll have to close them out of the bedroom as long as the baby's in there with us. That will be sad for them, but they'll get to move back in when the baby moves into her own room. Sigh; I don't know. I've seen people who had babies and cats and the cats did look a tad forlorn, despite the best wishes of the owners. We are going to do our best!

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had that too! What the hell is that?

5:16 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

You had it, too (the burning rib pain)? You don't know how reassuring that is (not that I want you to have been in pain, of course!). It's a bizarre thing and I'm so glad I'm not the first and only person to have felt it.

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the burning rib pain! In one damn spot! I would look and look--something so painful should show, right?

It goes away.

Re: Cats--my mom will go to her grave saying her cats adopted me. Somewhere there are pictures with me--newborn, scrawny, yelling--and two siamese cats wedged into the chair trying to get as close to me as possible. Pasha would lie next to me in my crib, and if I cried, Chitra would run up and downstairs yelling at my mother to Come Take Care Of Her Baby!

Don't sweat the cats.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

You don't know how relieved I am that the rib thing is normal. It is just so weird and I thought I was the only one. I keep staring at it in the mirror looking for the signs of it on my skin, and there is nothing there. I hope it goes away immediately after The Ordeal (though I suppose I'll be in so many other kinds of pain then that it'll be low priority, anyway!).

9:37 PM  

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