R.I.P. Computer
My computer's demise is official. The repair place told me that it will cost a fortune to repair it--there's something wrong with the motherboard--and that I might as well buy a new computer. Who knows when I'll have time, or money, to do that. So I hope those of you with whom I tend to chat over email are reading this, and will understand why I may be missing from email for awhile... I can still check from time to time, but it depends on when I can use Mark's computer (which he needs most of the time). So it's all a big pain.
While I have the opportunity, here is a brief update:
I am doing okay.
-I enjoyed dressing Daisy as an eggplant on Halloween.
-I have a back injury from carrying her in the bjorn and had to take one of my mega-powerful Cesarean section painkillers to deal with it today.
-Daisy slept for 11 hours uninterrupted last night, in the bassinet. We'll see if she can do it again, but I am trying not to jinx myself by counting on it. Apparently I am now programmed to wake up every two hours, regardless of what Daisy is doing, because I still didn't sleep well.
-I am reluctant to go back to work in January. It feels like all I can handle, being a mother and trying to prevent our home from degenerating into utter mess. I honestly do not understand how other women do it. It is that simple: I do not understand. I can't help feeling loserly. Then again, a lot of things make it tougher (like the two flights of stairs that separate me from the washer and drier in our building).
--I like the fall.
I hope to be back in finer form, and more able to do email, when I manage to get a new computer!
While I have the opportunity, here is a brief update:
I am doing okay.
-I enjoyed dressing Daisy as an eggplant on Halloween.
-I have a back injury from carrying her in the bjorn and had to take one of my mega-powerful Cesarean section painkillers to deal with it today.
-Daisy slept for 11 hours uninterrupted last night, in the bassinet. We'll see if she can do it again, but I am trying not to jinx myself by counting on it. Apparently I am now programmed to wake up every two hours, regardless of what Daisy is doing, because I still didn't sleep well.
-I am reluctant to go back to work in January. It feels like all I can handle, being a mother and trying to prevent our home from degenerating into utter mess. I honestly do not understand how other women do it. It is that simple: I do not understand. I can't help feeling loserly. Then again, a lot of things make it tougher (like the two flights of stairs that separate me from the washer and drier in our building).
--I like the fall.
I hope to be back in finer form, and more able to do email, when I manage to get a new computer!
I am sorry about your computer...that is tragic, although common I guess. And considering that you are home most of the time, I would find it hard in your position to be computer-less. Maybe the excitement of being an eggplant exhausted Daisy so that she slept so long? :) I didn't know you planned on going back to work in January! How many classes? Have you and Mark worked out all the details? I guess I am trying to wrap my brain around this new information!
I am sorry to hear about your computer--I hate it when that sort of thing happens. RIP.
At least you can use Mark's computer occasionally, even though it won't be the kind of "instant access" you're used to. I know I had separation anxiety when they told us our old computer wouldn't work with the cable modem when we moved to Oak. So we had to buy a new computer which didn't arrive for a few weeks (guess what, the old computer works just fine with the cable modem, but hey, the new computer is easier).
I think juggling home and work is challenging, I always marvel at the people who do it! They have more patience and adaptability than me, I think... or maybe that is just an effective coping mechanism. Hope it works out well in your case. We wish you lots of luck! And let us know if we can ever help out in any way.
also, it's amazing to see the first real rain of the season. Guess fall/winter is here to stay!
Get a Mac :-)
My dear, I don't know how other women do it either. God knows I can't. My house routinely looks like--like--well, similes fail me. Let's say it looks awful, and leave it at that.
Do not expect yourself to be able to keep up with housework. Do what you can, when you can, and make The Man do some too.
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