Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy holidays, everyone


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man. can I keep her?! pleeeeeeeeease?!!!!!!!!!

How is it possible that Daisy just keeps getting cuter and cuter? Seriously, pretty soon she's going to burst.

At the beginning of my visit to Raleigh, my nephew was asking me if I'm leaving and I said not for a long time. And he asked how long, and so I said, "about a week." His face got all sad and he said, "That's not very long!" :-)

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays, guys!

8:47 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Outfit courtesy of Mita! Well, the Christmas one, to be specific. I also wanted to show her in her Chanukah bib, to represent both sides of her cultural heritage. I thought it was pretty egalitarian of her to spit up on _both_ outfits before I could photograph her in them.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Oh! I was so happy to see her and you guys. She is adorable!

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually think the Christmas outfit looks like a little kimono! Both very cute. What did Daisy get from Santa-Putz (or whatever you would call a blended holiday Santa) this year?
Hope Sarah and Mark got some goodies too!

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it Christmasy or just Holiday-y? I was thinking that the snowflakes read as neutral. But I suppose the red is more like Santa outfitty. Like cute little elfin. Except without the green upturned felt slippers with the bells on the tips.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Yes, you have a point. It doesn't scream "Christmas," really. But it is red, and I guess most of the Christmas-themed garb you see for babies is red and/or green, so I was interpreting it as a Christmas outfit. Anyway, I love it and she looked totally adorable in it. She wore it to her Christmas eve party at Mark's relatives' house!

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My family has just left, so I am now guestless and able to do computer stuff. I just saw that my blog only plays one song at time for the Daisy song list...not sure why, either!

I will figure out how to get the list of songs to you, even if it means emailing them individually. I thought it would be easy to email a playlist of songs, but apparently it is harder than I thought.

Anyways, I am glad you are enjoying the Daisy/Baby themed music! Happy almost new year!

PS--I got the picture of Daisy on my fridge--Thank you so much! Matt said she is particularly cute in that picture (with her big checks!)

2:52 PM  
Blogger arweena said...

omigoodness - do they make the Chanukah bib in adult size as well????? I think everyone should have one!!!!! :)

7:37 PM  

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