I wonder if Daisy will bother learning to crawl. She has figured out how to get everywhere she wants to go through a series of rolls, combined with twisting and turning to change direction. Why would she be motivated to crawl? Sigh. The other babies her age that I know seem to be picking the crawling up more rapidly. Not that I am comparing notes! :-)
So I should probably say something about myself, huh, since my blog has become almost entirely about Daisy. Uhhhhh. I have developed an irritating (to me, at least) habit of saying "we" when I am talking about myself, as in, "We'll have the tall caramel latte." No we won't; *I* will. Daisy has seeped into my brain and is making me resort to the royal We.
Okay, I'm just going to have to chuck this plan of talking about myself for the time being. Here are some things about Daisy:
--ever since she was born, she covers her eye with one hand while she nurses. It's like the pleasure is so intense that she doesn't want any stimuli from the outside world to cut in and disturb her. She still does this at 7 months.
--she really loves music. She can sit and listen to a CD for a long time without any other form of entertainment. I need to sign up for a music class with her.
--she really loves water. No matter how tired or fussy she's been, if I pop her in her bath, she's happy. I need to sign up for an infant swim class with her.
--she talks almost constantly, in babble that has the inflection of sentences. "Dada" is still the primary word, but there are also lots of hingies and babas and things like that, too.
--she's been laughing for quite awhile but she seems to laugh more and more frequently, the older she gets. She is ticklish in several places; thinks it's funny if I kiss her hands or make her feet kick me in the face; and finds it hiLARious if someone imitates the thing she just said.
--her favorite toys are probably a pair of measuring cups, though she still also loves lids and plastic cups...and the phone, and my computer.
--she EATS now! Sweet potatoes, squash, and pears were the breakthrough foods, but now she seems fairly enthusiastic about anything I give her.
--she has favorite pages in the books we read. These pages seem randomly selected to me. For some reason, there are just pages she prefers. She'll stop page-turning and linger on the page, going, "Heh!" loudly and slapping the page violently with her hand. These preferences carry on from week to week, too. So, like, she loves the Salvador Dali page in my baby modern art board book (thanks, Mom--never would've guessed such a thing existed), the Tom Tucker page in Mother Goose, and the "Boomberry, Zoomberry!" page in _Jamberry_ (best baby book ever--thank you, Amy, for the recommendation! It's a little like a baby acid trip, but I suppose you could see it as just extremely imaginative and creative, rather than LSD-inspired).