Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A few noteworthies

Apologies--this is meant as a record for me to remember a few of Daisy's milestones, and I know it doesn't make scintillating blogging.

First, Daisy has been counting accurately, more and more frequently. She counted some items up to thirteen this morning without making a mistake, and then she skipped to seventeen. We note that she does this every time, and Mark thinks it's because she has a book in which a girl counts something as "thirteen seven." Then, after eighteen, she has a tendency to return to five, for some reason.

Also (and I know this is really flukey): Daisy was drawing on her sketchpad last night and suddenly she announced, "I drew a nine!" We looked down and yes--there it was. I think she drew it inadvertently, and then recognized it. Mark actually said, "That's a six, not a nine." ????? She is getting more control of the crayons, definitely, because then for fun, and to see if she could do it, we asked her to draw a few things that we thought would be on the easier side, like an O (which she can do, not too surprisingly), and a V-- and she did it! It was a sloppy V, but it was identifiable. She is growing up so fast it's unbelievable.

She said a few funny things that I wanted to record, but of course now I can't remember. One thing is, she's been saying, "Daisy is too much!" And just now, she had all these stuffed animals in her lap and was reading to them, and she said, "It's getting crowded in here!"

On the more negative side, she was really a terrible hostess yesterday to her little friend Franny, who is leaving San Francisco on Friday and came over for one last playdate. Daisy's sharing skills were not at their high point, to put it tactfully. It's too depressing to elaborate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday Daisy drew a "C" and an
exclamation point and announced, :"C and exclamation point!" Proud Gommy
aka M.B.

3:11 PM  

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