Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Few State-of-the-Daisy Notes

...I need to remember to do this periodically, so I can remember what she was doing at each age--especially the super-cool stuff, like the things I am reporting below:

--Daisy can read a few words now, as I know I've reported in the past, and she seems to be picking up momentum in this area.

--She has known the alphabet a long time, but here's what she's doing now that amazes us: she can sometimes tell us what letter a word starts with, if we say the word to her. She is best with B, D, and T (I'm not sure why). We can pitch words to her-- say, "ball," "dog," "toy," "bottle," "dance," "toes," and she will say "That word starts with B" (or D, or T). I think she can do more letters (I can hear her doing P words with Mark right now) but we haven't tried many more with her yet.

--Daisy is a really good counter! This impresses me because I don't remember math being my strong suit. Daisy is VERY interested in numbers and counts slowly and accurately. She can count to 20 with great accuracy, and after that, things get a little funny :-)

--Daisy's drawing got a lot better around the time of turning 3. She went from doing mostly erratic scribbles to doing faces and figures. The images are still a little shaky, but she draws a pretty good circle for a face, and then she'll draw eyes and a mouth and a nose (or a "beak," her favorite). And recently she's been adding hair. She also does bodies with arms and legs, so we get these cool-looking kind of abstract figures. Her lines are not extremely controlled, so the figures look wobbly, but you can definitely tell what they are.

--Other than reading, Daisy's favorite activity is probably dancing. She LOOOOVES to dance. She gets totally absorbed in certain music, too, to the point that when she's listening to her favorite music, she sometimes asks us not to talk so she can concentrate on it. She dances all over the place, with increasingly daring and acrobatic moves, when she hears her favorite music. And she loves her ballet class, which makes me happy. It is a fun class for us to do together.

--Daisy is getting more adventurous physically, though she is still not as physically adept as other kids her age. But knowing how slowly she's hit a lot of those milestones, I continue to be impressed with the climbing, running, jumping, skipping, etc. that she is doing. She tries new things all the time, and they are moves that are daring for her, even if they wouldn't seem that way for a lot of other three-year-olds.

She just seems to me (her extremely biased mother) like such a wonderful child. I couldn't have imagined loving anyone so much or being so perpetually amazed by a human being. We can also see that she is developing as an empathetic person, although of course empathy and morality aren't exactly the forte of three-year-olds. But more and more, she asks us about how others are feeling and shows signs that she wants to make a good impression on others. This is not 100% (and it really falls apart when she's over-tired). But even when she makes a mistake, or does something not very nice, we're noticing that she'll bring it up a few days later and seem concerned, asking us questions about what it meant. Soooo... the wheels are turning and she's working on this whole social conscience business, clearly.

Okay, that's all for now. I should remember to do this more often, though!


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