Lately I have not been very bloggy. I wonder what is wrong with me. I guess I have been a little bit down, but I perk back up intermittently. So, let's see what my updates are:
1) Mark and I saw Maria Shriver at our corner deli, Angelina’s. An apparent perk of moving is that you get to see Maria Shriver at your corner deli. Next time, Ahnold?
2) I have rediscovered Wham. Wham is good. Anyone want to make an issue of it?
3) For my birthday, Mark took me to the Fairmont and we stayed in an amazingly luxurious room and ate amazingly luxurious food. It was very, very fun. And I was also proud of this: we walked from our hotel room (up on Nob Hill) down to the Bay and then ALL the way back up, a million steep hills... I was proud of myself, since I am so big and ungainly these days, and I huff and puff when I exert myself.
4) I got my Rhogam shot at Kaiser. What is Rhogam, you may ask? It's this shot that was invented for mothers-to-be who are Rh negative but are having a baby with a man who's Rh positive. This is potential "Rh incompatibility" and there's a chance, if your blood mingles with the baby's, that your body could produce antibodies that would attack the baby's blood, or if not THIS baby, then the next one you have, if you have a next one. Only 15% of the population is Rh negative, so it's on the rarer side, and when I got my shot it came with this little pamphlet that said, "This information is designed to make you comfortable with yourself as an Rh-negative individual." Isn't that strange? Rh-negative individual? I didn't feel at all uncomfortable before I read that, but then I started thinking, "I am an Rh-negative individual," and felt PIGEON-holed.
5) I am afraid of needles--so afraid that I would have to call it a phobia. I go into an absolute panic. This problem is not helped by the fact that I fainted at my first pregnancy blood test. So when I get shots or blood tests, Mark has to hold my hand and talk and talk and talk about something trivial to distract me. He has gotten very good at it. At my last blood test, he talked about the great question of "Who stole our boss and friend Freddie's Snapples from the communal work refrigerator?" And at the Rhogam shot, he talked about mini-candy-bars in the communal work candy jar and which ones you take first and which ones are real "desperation picks." For example, you probably go through and take out the Krackels and Butterfingers first, but would only eat a Hershey's Kiss or a plain Hershey mini if all the former bars are gone. I have to tell you, this kind of talk helps me through needle experiences beautifully! Okay, so the nurses laugh at us, but the humiliation is worth it.
6) Ann Marie kindly offered to come over yesterday and take some pregnancy portraits of me, which she did--thank you, AMD! She also got some good shots of my cats, so that is happy.