Saturday, June 17, 2006


...this Tiger Balm is making my ribs feel so outrageously good that it just *can't* be safe for use in pregnancy. The bottle says to check with my doctor if pregnant, but my doctor didn't know, and all the information we found online was inconclusive. (The consensus seemed to be, "Use, but in moderation." But, you know, that's the internet--who knows if reliable?) Does anyone out there in blogging land know if it's safe for pregnancy? (Please say yes... pleeeeeeease.... pleeeeeeease...).


Blogger lumenatrix said...

Most topical stuff is ok. Lots of that kind of stuff has "consult your doctor" on it just in case you are the one random idiot who tries to eat it or something or the one random person crazy allergic, or are having crazy reactions to things you can't sue them because they told you to check with your doctor first. I wouldn't bathe in it or anything, but if you put a bit on a couple times a day it should be fine.

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sari, did you try the advice nurse on the phone? Sorry to be so paranoid but you'd feel better if a dr. or nurse said it was 100% ok

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you remember that Tiger Balm was my old cure-all when you were little? Rubbed on the temples for headache, rubbed on the stomach for stomach aches. Rubbed on the nose for too many prying questions (just kidding). And it always worked - like magic! Sure hope it's OK for pregnant ribs.

10:09 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Thanks, guys! I think I will do as Cousin Rach says and check with the Kaiser advice nurse before I put more on, but I'm guessing it's probably okay....

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since Tiger Balm is such a time-honored remedy (and it's topical), I think it will be just fine. I'm glad you've found something that helps! Just try not to inhale too much of the vapors ;-).

8:42 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Yes, the smell is an amazing thing! I put some on in a restaurant the other night and my friend could smell it across the table...I am sure the whole restaurant could smell it. However, my cruel way of thinking is: tough titty! I neeeeed my Tiger Balm.

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If nothing else, you can always have your hub rub you down with olive oil.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Ooh, and isn't olive oil supposed to be good for stretch marks, too? Not that I have any--I've been lucky so far. But I wonder if they can appear *after* the birth, when you start shrinking down? My vanity will be so disappointed.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Yes! Tiger Balm is menthol and camphor. I think it's fine to use.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use the Tiger balm- it's ok.
Love, your obgyn

11:25 AM  

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