First tooth
Yesterday, on Daisy's 10-month birthday, I felt a tiny sharp ridge poking its way up through her lower gum. I think this is her first tooth. It wasn't the way I pictured it happening--for one thing, you can't see it unless you are trying very hard. I don't think it will be fully visible for awhile. It's funny, but I had almost stopped expecting her ever to get any teeth because she's been so late in getting them. I had heard 7 months was the average age for a first tooth and lots of her little baby friends had them long before then.
This morning I realized something: Daisy has been so slow to crawl, and so slow to get teeth, that I haven't fully processed the fact that she is almost a year old-- in just two months. Her toothless, crawl-less babyness has lulled me into complacency. My little girl is growing up! Sniff.
This morning I realized something: Daisy has been so slow to crawl, and so slow to get teeth, that I haven't fully processed the fact that she is almost a year old-- in just two months. Her toothless, crawl-less babyness has lulled me into complacency. My little girl is growing up! Sniff.
I empathize--Britin was late in crawling, walking, teething, talking, potty training, that I would always just get used to the status quo. Especially potty training--I really seriously wondered if he would go to kindergarten in diapers. Aren't there things that Daisy is early in doing, or perhaps it is hard to notice that because you take those behaviors for granted. Britin could sit through a television show or movie earlier than other children. He never was afraid of strangers and we go up to them even when all he could do was crawl. He has had an amazing puzzle ability since before he could talk. What about Daisy, other than her prodigy like ability to clap in her sleep? :-)
Hi Melissa! That is interesting about Britin. I am grateful to people sharing their stories of other slow-to-crawl babies.
Hmmm...things Daisy is early in doing. I am not sure. She does a number of neat things, but I don't know if it's "early" for her to be doing them. She claps and waves and she understands how to play a game now (a very simple game, of course!). I also think she has a lot of rudimentary words. Obviously she doesn't pronounce very well, but she has a word for "cat," "dog" and "duck." She says "hi" and "mama" and "dada" too (with an understanding of what they mean, unlike before). Some stuff is really cool--like when she sees a cat in a book now, she says her "cat" word (which sounds more like "dac," but I know it's her cat word because she always says it when she sees the cats!)
Thank you for getting me thinking about all these things. I really am trying not to worry about the not-crawling, but to focus on the other stuff :-)
And just now, my mom showed me something cool Daisy is doing: when she sees the picture in her book of a girl with a rattle, she touches her own rattle to the picture. Neat.
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