Thursday, June 26, 2008

Daisy and Elise's playdate this morning

They read books together; they took turns on the rocking horses (they each rode one, then they'd switch); they had a snack; they played a game in which they made animals go down the slide; they ran around screaming and laughing and imitated each other's funny sounds; and in short, they had a very nice time. Daisy had a few jealous moments but they weren't too bad and she even voluntarily handed Elise her favorite kitty. And they hugged twice.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to break your mother's heart

After being put to bed, yell plaintively and melodramatically from your crib, "Oh, where is my mama? I can't find my mama!"

Also effective: cry pleadingly, "Mama, Daisy wants to hold your hand! Oh, Mama! Daisy wants to lie down wif you!" [Note to self: the "f" in "wif" is key for ultimate sympathy points.]

I managed to ignore her and she went to sleep about half an hour ago. But really, this child isn't making it easy. I wish we could go back to the days when she just SCREAMED from her crib. This "Mama" business makes it soooo much harder.

On another note, she is such a funny talker these days that I just wish I could capture it. She has really gotten into reading her books aloud, and will tell me sometimes, "Daisy wants to read it" when I offer to read to her. She will sit on my lap and recite books to me. Today as she read _Lost and Found_, I was amazed by how accurate her memory was. I heard her say, "The boy was delighted. The penguin said nothing"--glanced at the page--and that was exactly what it said. And so went most of the pages. She'd say, "The boy checked in at the Lost and Found Office. The man said 'no no no.'" Etc. It was pretty much like listening to a normal person read a book to you. Well, pretty much. It's quite amazing to me. She has dozens of books more or less memorized, page for page, and she reads them with great expression in her voice, making her voice go up an octave when she's doing dialogue, giving all the right inflections to the different moods in the plot (joy, sorrow, excitement, whatever). When she starts reading, she says the title of the book authoritatively and clears her throat. Then, she clears her throat and makes this sort of lip-smacking noise that I think my mom and I both make in between each page. It is VERY dramatic. She finishes a book, then starts it right over again-- and can go on like this for a long, long time.

Another cute thing she's been doing is "reading" grownup books, mine and Mark's. I guess she is interested in them because she sees us with them. So, she'll pick up my copy of Jane Austen's _Sense and Sensibility_ and actually sit with it for a long time, turning pages, even though she has no idea what it says. It goes like this. "Oh! There's a little 'a.' There's a little 'n.'" (Turns page.) "Oh! There's a little 'o'!" (Turns page.) "Ohhhh! There's a little 'b'!" And so on. Must be fascinating reading for her. Also--this really cracks me up-- if she skips a page, she says, "Uh-oh, I skipped a page!" and she has to go back. Like her entire reading of random letters on each page would be totally messed up if she skipped a page.

Daisy says, "Daisy wants to hold Mama," to mean she wants me to hold HER, and she has other pronoun problems. Other funny things she says that I know I'll want to remember: "Oh no! The footie is stuck!" (like if I'm trying to put her PJ bottoms on or pull her pant leg down). Now, here is an odd one; she also says, "Oh no! The footie is not too stuck!" to mean it IS "too stuck." That's a formation she uses fairly often, negating something when she actually means to assert it-- like, "It's not too hot," to mean it IS too hot. She also does this funny dialogue-with-herself thing when she wants something. It goes like this: "Want to nurse? Okay. Let's nurse." Never waiting for my answer, of course. (Yes, I need to wean; I know I know I know. She is making it hard.)

This is a good age. She says hilarious things. She sings. She dances. She marches. She has a head of fat brown curls. She has enormous doe eyes and unbelievably long lashes and pouty lips. She's got a round juicy belly and squeezable little pudgy legs and sometimes the kissy monster HAS to kiss her until she screams, but it is her own fault for going around being so cute. I can't believe she is EVER going to have temper tantrums and make her mother cry. It won't happen, right, mothers of three-year-olds? :-)

Anyone bothering to pore over the minutiae of this blog will note that my last post's prediction came true: I posted that she was going to bed without a fuss, and that very night she started up with the plaintive, "Oh Mamas" again. Told ya I'd jinx myself!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Updatey post

Okay, I stink, in that I never posted the promised Fullerton pictures. I definitely let my life get away with me sometimes.

I think I have not posted in a bit, actually, because it's been a good period of time and I don't want to jinx it. Like, if I tell you that Daisy has been sleeping through the night really well (and going to bed without a fuss), I swear it will all be over with. TONIGHT. It ALWAYS happens, despite the silly superstitiousness of this point.

I am kind of happy right now. I think.

Oh no... I am watching JUNO, the scene where Jennifer Garner picks up the new baby. I am melting. I think I need another baby now, despite everything I've been saying.

The problem is that I change my mind ever day or so.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


We had a wonderful visit to our friends Amy, David, and Adele in Fullerton; here is one picture and I hope to upload more tomorrow when I have more energy. We had a good drive back today, although at the very end Daisy got carsick and threw up voluminously, so I had to change her and clean her carseat as best I could by the side of the road in downtown SF. I think the culprit was letting her drink milk in the car. Probably not such a good idea. Anyway! Here is an adorable one of Adele and Daisy dressed as fairies, and more tomorrow.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

State of the Daisy (22 months)

This morning Daisy did something new: she came over, took my book away (INTO THIN AIR by Jon Krakauer--so good that I would have read it cover to cover without pausing if I could have), handed it to Mark, and said primly, "Thank you." Thinking it might have been a fluke, I picked up the book again, and Daisy immediately did the same thing. Lately, you see, she doesn't like that my attention should be diverted from her for ONE SECOND. What I find funny is that she assumes Mark will be her willing co-conspirator in this.

Daisy's Mama fixation seems fairly intense these days. I can't sneak away from her for very long at all if we are in the apartment together; if I retreat to my room for a few minutes (while Mark is watching her, of course), she soon appears, staring plaintively into my eyes and saying, "Take off Mama's bed! Take off Mama's bed!" Then a smile slides over her face as I start to get down: "Mama's taking off her bed!" Sheer delight. In the morning she says happily, "Mama's got her coffee! Mama's taking off her bed!" She totally understands what coffee is all about. Oh, how Mama hates to take off her bed after a rocky night (which last night was).

I should state, for the record, that "take off Mama's bed" is one of Daisy's very few errors of this kind. She is usually eerily precise in her wording of things and in her pronunciation. That's one of her few peculiarities in expression, along with "jamamas" for "pajamas." Most of the time she's uncannily accurate. She continues to say things that amaze us and make us laugh.

This is a pretty demanding and intense phase she's in. Lately her aesthetic preferences are stronger than ever. She asks for the same Shirley Temple song to be played over and over and over again, instead of allowing us to simply play the album through (which she was doing a few weeks ago). There are particular parts of Teletubbies that she wants to rewind and watch over and over again. And if we're out in the world and she takes a fancy to some spot or activity, she wants to stay there perpetually, repeating the action over and over again. (For instance, anything that involves splashing or stomping in a puddle, or standing in a notch in a tree, is a winner and can go on for hours.) I certainly hope this is a two-year-old (almost) phase rather than signs of impending obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Oh, the balloons are a good example of that (see the previous post). Daisy loves balloons with a frightening intensity. If you hand her a balloon, don't expect her to put it down. She has even napped with one, despite our better judgment (we peeked into the room periodically to check on her, and the string was always clutched tightly in her fist).

I should really be trying to write down some of her most hilarious utterances before they slide into the obscurity of fuzzy memory. I would have to say "The devil is so lovable" and "I can't find my lover!" are in the top ten... but I think I've reported those already and surely there are some others waiting in the wings. I'll try to remember some today and report back.

Daisy had a physical milestone the other day: I had her at the playground and was hovering around her, trying to help her up this domed-ladder thing, when I suddenly realized she could climb it all by herself and didn't need my help. I was impressed, as this was kind of a tough feat for Daisy. She is showing a strong interest in climbing these days, and tries to climb pretty much any tree she sees. Usually this amounts to little more than hugging and gently kicking at the tree, but I can see where this is going. I was very into climbing trees and rocks when I was a kid, and I remember swinging upside down from tree branches in my yard... I guess my parents weren't too worried about me breaking my neck! I'll probably freak out if Daisy does that.

Well, that's all for now.

Daisy and the balloons

I meant to take a lot of pictures of the Red Balloon birthday party of Daisy's sweet little friend Lulu, but unfortunately my camera died within minutes of us walking in the door. The balloons were such a glorious sight! I wish I could have gotten more pics. Daisy went home with three balloons, which she refused to put down for approximately four days. I am not kidding.

Monday, June 02, 2008

The Good Ship Lollipop

I really like how she says "the sunny side of peppermint bay." So these are just a couple of short clips-- the 22-month Daze:


Sunday, June 01, 2008

Daisy singing

Daisy runs around the house singing songs and it is verrrry cute. So I have been wanting to record it for posterity. The problem is that usually, when I turn on the camera, she comes running over and says, "I wanna watch Daisy!" and doesn't understand that first I have to FILM something and then she can watch it. Anyway, though, with much effort, I got a sort of decent recording of her version of "Animal Crackers in my Soup," the Shirley Temple song.
