Saturday, August 09, 2008

It's good taste!

When Daisy likes a food, she has been saying, "It's good taste!" (Or, maybe, "It's a good taste"--I'll have to listen more carefully.) Daisy does not hesitate to offer her opinion on anything and she has very strong aesthetic preferences. For many months now, she instructs us to "press" the CD player till we get to a song she likes, and then she tells us authoritatively, "That's a good one."

Daisy feels very strongly about books and music. This girl is a lover of the arts, and really of her own accord. She decided by herself that she liked a piece of classical music-- to prove to you that I didn't push it on her, I actually don't even know what it's called. She heard it and she liked it. Now, she has to hear it over and over again, and dance whenever it is on, and pretend to conduct it. When the whole orchestra comes in and the music starts to swell, she sometimes gets so excited that she screams and has a kind of whole-body spasm. "That's the violins! THE VIOLINS!" she will shriek. Now, this does remind me of myself: whenever she likes something, she likes it intensely. Not a little-- a lot.

The latest love of Daisy's life is one particular dance number on So You Think You Can Dance-- in this case, one of my favorite shows. Daisy calls it "the dancing show." Today she asked me to put on a tape I'd made of the finale, and she specifically asked for "the door." I knew there was a routine involving a door, so I put that one on for her. She said, "Daisy wants to dance" as soon as it came on. I had to clear a dance space for her on our floor, and she danced enthusiastically through the song. Then she had to hear it again and again and again (and dance every time). I tried to put on other routines for variety, but NOOOOO. It had to be "the door." I could tell she really wanted to be able to do some of the moves the dancers were doing, and of course, she is not nearly coordinated enough to even approximate any of their moves-- but it touched me how she tried. Mostly, she ran in circles, and she tried stamping her feet, kicking, and flailing her arms a little. Oh, and a few times she sort of leaned down and looked between her legs. I have seen her do this before, but I got the feeling it was part of her dance this time.

It is just really endearing. How did she decide that THAT was the best routine on the show? She really latched onto it. I think she could have watched it over and over for hours, if I'd let her.

She continues to talk to us every day about brass sections, woodwind sections, string sections, and harp sections. Today in her bath, she took one of her bathtub pens and said, "Daisy is going to draw a saxophone for Nana." She asked me to draw cymbals, a harp, a xylophone, a piano, and a guitar for her.

I wish I could remember more of the things she is saying. She is so funny, and she makes up jokes now, and tells us fanciful things, and creates babbly little songs with nonsense words. Of course, I can't remember anything specific now that I am trying to blog it. Oh well! Maybe next time.


Blogger specules said...

Let me know if she wants violin lessons. It might be another 4 years before she would start, and I'm not certified by any means as a teacher of any sort, but I could supplement. And I can certainly play for her if she wants a live demo. :-) In fact, it might be the only thing that makes me play these days!

11:16 PM  
Blogger Sarah Woulfin said...

Daisy sounds like a very creative and fun little girl...You are a fortunate mommy!


10:01 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

That would be great, Deb! Both ideas-- playing the violin live for her would be SUCH a treat-- I only wonder if she is going to insist on TOUCHING your violin. How would you feel about that? :-)

And in 4 years, PLEASE give her lessons. In exchange, I'll give your progeny... Scramble lessons??? Procrastination lessons? Ill-timed joke lessons? I'm sure we'll think of something I excel in and go for it!

2:25 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Thank you so much, Sarah. I am lucky and I am glad to be given a chance to reflect on that. So often my obsession with sleep deprivation crowds out all other thoughts on motherhood! :-)

2:26 PM  

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