Saturday, August 09, 2008


I have a lot to learn about age two, since Daisy has only just arrived there. But so far... interesting. Today I was thinking how things were getting easier, as I was giving her her dinner; she has been better about eating, generally. Then, as I was trying to brush her teeth later, I couldn't help thinking how this had gotten harder--she was giving me such a battle. And she is just so... non-rational. Daisy wants to sample all of our toothbrushes, not just brush with her own. She will spend two seconds with her own brush, and then she demands the red toothbrush. She must have it! Then, the blue toothbrush! This one, that one! And she wants to spend about two seconds brushing with each one. Don't ask me why. She also tries to clamp her lips shut when I try to brush her teeth.

So far, then, two has been like this-- a flip-flopping back and forth, all day, between the things that are getting easier and the things that are getting harder. At the moment: bedtime is easy; car rides are easy; eating is easier than it was. Napping is harder; tooth-brushing is harder; and bathing is slightly harder (she still likes her bath, but no longer at all appreciates being washed by me).

I have a feeling the above little gem of wisdom (that whenever one thing is easier, some other thing is bound to be harder) is the truth of parenting in general, not of two particularly. I've unlocked the code! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah - Here's an idea: buy Daisy a colorful array of her own toothbrushes and put them on a fancy tray. Let her brush for a few seconds with each and move on and move on to the next one - that might add up to some good brushing!!! M.B.

9:05 PM  

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